
domingo, janeiro 25, 2015

Morrison, Toni

Quanto requintadamente humano foi o desejo de felicidade permanente, e quanto estreita se tornou a imaginação humana a tentar alcançá-la.


Pavese, Cesare

Quando se sofre, julga-se que para lá do círculo existe a felicidade; quando NÃO se sofre, sabe-se que a felicidade não existe e sofre-se, então, por não sofrer


Hesse, Hermann

Só há felicidade se não exigirmos nada do amanhã e aceitarmos do hoje, com gratidão, o que nos trouxer. A hora mágica chega sempre


Today let me reassur

Today let me reassure you that God knows right where you are, and He knows how to get you to where you need to be. Even when things don’t go the way you planned, His hand is on you. Do not be afraid. Trust that God is working behind the scenes on your behalf, and that He will lead you into the life of blessing that He has prepared for you.

Vigny, Alfred de

Amai o que jamais se verá duas vezes

via @notiun

Schopenhauer, Arthur

O amor é a compensação da morte

via @notiun

Guitry, Sacha

Amar-se moderadamente é o apanágio dos medíocres

via @notiun

Clarasó, Noel

Tema: Fumar

Que boas são as bebidas que dão fome, as comidas que dão sede e as mulheres que dão vontade de trabalhar para elas

via @notiun


Tema: Mentira

Nenhuma mentira chega a envelhecer no tempo

via @notiun

Saramago, José

Tema: Religião

Eu sou ateu, mas sempre me senti atraído pelo fenómeno religioso. Interessa-me a religião como instituição de poder que se exerce sobre as almas e os corpos.

via @notiun

Daily Devotion • Jan

Daily Devotion • January 26th • Proverbs 16:9 ~In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

Famous and Inspirati

Famous and Inspirational quotes (8)

art for the bathroom

art for the bathroom -- Eurthymics -- Song by Eurythmics Here comes the rain again Raining in my head like a tragedy Tearing me apart like a new emotion O I want to breathe in the open wind...

"I feel that there i

"I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." | Van Gogh | True Love

Beach Ocean Quote Se

Beach Ocean Quote Sea Coastal Art Love by ShadetreePhotography

Einstein Nature : Ar

Einstein Nature : Art Print 8x10 - Illustration Mountain Ocean Forest Wilderness Adventure Wanderlust Explore Quote Typography Science

Famous and Inspirati

Famous and Inspirational quotes (1)

be inspired by other

be inspired by other's success - not defeated.

If it does not chall

If it does not challenge you. It does not change you. #fitness #quotes

A champion is someon

A champion is someone who gets up when he cannot.

One of the hardest p

One of the hardest parts of life is deciding whether to walk away to try harder.

Check this out My Cr

Check this out My Creative Entrepreneurs …. Did you know that for all the millions and millions of Artists out there in this world trying to make it in this industry only a handful , like 3 % really truly make it a SUCCESS. #artmarketing #inspiration #artists

Sorry, but I dont ne

Sorry, but I dont need any part-time people in my life. You are either with me or you are not. You cant just come and go as you please.