
sábado, dezembro 12, 2015

Lose Weight In Pleasure: 15 Healthy Snacks To Tighten Up Your Tummy


Holiday season is ahead and you want to look your best for Christmas photos or New Year’s Eve celebrations. In fact, most people start dieting before summer vacation and holiday season. However, about 90% of people give up. Why? It’s because they feel hungry and start eating snacks. These snacks are usually unhealthy, which only makes them gain more weight.

You can easily correct this mistake by opting for healthy snacks that will banish the hunger and still help you get perfectly toned and flat abs. But, what snacks to eat? Not to worry; this article brings you 15 delicious and healthy snacks you can eat on your weight loss journey.

1. Crispy kale chips

Crispy kale chips are a healthy and delicious alternative for unhealthy potato chips. One serving of kale chips contains 46 calories only, and this snack is easy to make. All you need is to preheat the oven to 250°F, line two baking sheets with parchment paper. In the meantime, place two batches of kale (cut into bite-size pieces) in a large bowl and coat them with virgin oil.

Lay kale on baking sheets, sprinkle with salt, garlic powder, and pepper. Bake for 15 minutes and that’s it. Your snacks are done. The snack is crunchy, delicious and healthy at the same time.


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2. Chocolate-stuffed raspberries

This snack is perfect for anyone with a “sweet tooth”. Chocolate-stuffed raspberries let you indulge your need for sweet, without breaking your diet or gaining weight. This snack has 28 calories and tastes heavenly. Sweet and tart raspberries coupled with creamy chocolate create a rhapsody of flavors in your mouth.

To make this snack, you need a pint of fresh raspberries and some chocolate chips. Then, place one chocolate chip pointed-side down into each raspberry. It’s that easy.

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3. Tomato and cucumber juice

Juice doesn’t actually count as a snack, but it definitely should. Why? It’s because juices are great for combating hunger, plus they are abundant in vitamins and minerals. In fact, they can even help you lose weight. This juice is one of the super juices for weight loss and the ingredients you need to make it include:

  • Tomato
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
  • ½ tsp salt

If you want your juice to be sweeter, you can add a few drops of stevia.


4. Parmesan and rosemary roasted chickpeas

This snack tastes best when it cools off, which makes them perfect to take to school or work. Now, you won’t get tempted to eat something unhealthy when you’re not home. About a ½ cup of the roasted chickpeas contains 151.7 calories. They’re rich in protein and fiber. And we know how fiber is important to our digestion, and eventually weight loss.

To make this super delicious snack, you need 2 cans of chickpeas (rinsed and dried), shredded parmesan, rosemary, minced garlic clove, garlic powder, and salt and pepper to taste. Preheat the oven to 400°F; line a baking sheet with foil and coat with cooking spray. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl to make sure all chickpeas are coated, then transfer them to a baking sheet and bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until your chickpeas are golden brown and crisp.


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5. Frozen blueberry yogurt bites

This is a healthy snack and delicious candy at the same time. To make the snack, you need blueberries, non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt, and stevia. Then, line a baking sheet with parchment paper, in the meantime you should combine yogurt and stevia in one bowl, then toss blueberries in two batches to coat them completely. Using a fork, take each blueberry and place it on a baking sheet. When you’re done, place the baking sheet into the freezer and let stay for an hour.

One serving (12 – 13 blueberries) contains 38 calories only. Due to its “snowy” look, this snack is perfect for Christmas time.


6. Grapes and walnuts

For this snack, you don’t need any preparation. All you need to do is to combine one cup of grapes with a handful of walnuts and that’s it. The final result is a sweet and savory snack that is full of fiber and protein, and also rich in natural sugars.


7. Celery and beet juice

This is also one of many super juices for weight loss that you can make. Ingredients you need for this juice are:

  • Celery
  • Beet
  • Spinach
  • Cilantro
  • Sea salt.

Mix all ingredients in a blender to get a smooth and unified mixture. Celery and beet juice help your body get rid of toxins and waste that is important in weight loss.


8. Peanut butter yogurt dip and apple slices

If you love caramel apples, this snack might be the perfect healthy alternative. To prepare this healthy and yet delicious snack you just need to melt peanut butter in a small microwave bowl for 20 seconds.

Then, stir in yogurt, honey, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Keep stirring until you get a smooth mixture. Slice apples and dip. It’s easy.


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9. Cran-peach smoothie

This is a fat-burning smoothie that you won’t want to stop drinking, even after you lose weight. It’s delicious and healthy. Plus, cucumbers in it act as diuretics, which is another reason why you simply have to make this smoothie.

Here is what you need:

  • Frozen sliced peaches
  • Cranberry juice
  • Vanilla, non-fat Greek yogurt
  • Cucumber
  • Flax meal
  • Stevia

Blend all ingredients and enjoy. You can also add any healthy supplements you wish to enhance your smoothie.


10. Baked sweet potato chips

If you really don’t want to give up potato chips, then you’ll be happy to know that you can make potato chips and get toned abs at the same time. The secret is in this baked sweet potato chips snack that you can munch on without killing your diet.

Slice sweet potato thinly, and place it onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Lightly brush the slices with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Bake this snack for 1 ½ hours or until chips become crispy. Remember to turn the chips halfway through.


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11. Apricot seed bars

Imagine that you’re having a stressful day and don’t feel like you have the energy anymore. In most cases, you’ll go to the store or find the nearest vending machine, and you’d get chocolate. But, since you’re trying to lose weight, you need a healthy alternative that is still delicious.

Apricot seed bars provide energy, and they have the texture of granola bars, but they’re tasty as well. To make this snack, you have to line the baking dish with parchment paper. Then, in a medium sized bowl, mix together: sesame seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, dried apricots, and dried white mulberries.

In a medium-sized skillet, heat coconut oil, coconut nectar, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. When the mixture is heated, add a combination of seeds and dried fruits. Then, pour entire mixture into a baking dish. Place the baking dish in a fridge to cool off before cutting into little bars.


12. Spinach and apple juice

Both apple and spinach are nutritious power bombs and mixing them together give you a winning combination. This juice is delicious, gives you energy, and acts as appetite suppressant. Here’s what you’re going to need:

  • Apples
  • Spinach
  • Lemon juice
  • Red lettuce leaves or carrot greens
  • Cayenne pepper, ¼ tsp only


13. Lemon and watermelon juice

Watermelon is rich in water which is highly beneficial if you don’t drink enough water during the day. To make one of the easiest and most beneficial super juices for weight loss, you need:

  • Lemon
  • Watermelon with seeds
  • Mint leaves.

That’s it, blend lemon and watermelon together, pour into a glass, add a bit of ice and garnish with mint leaves. Your healthy drink is ready. Bottoms up!


14. Pineapple

This isn’t a snack per se, but it’s incredibly healthy and helps you get a toned stomach. Just like watermelon, pineapple is rich in water content but low in calories, which makes it a perfect snack for people who want to lose weight.

To spice things up, you can slice pineapple and sprinkle it with lime juice or a little bit of salt to get a fun combination of flavors.


15. Turkey slices

Here’s something for meat lovers. Roll up five slices of roasted turkey with spicy mustard and roasted red peppers inside. This meal has about 150 calories, and it’s a great snack to eat before dinner is ready. And the best thing is, it won’t affect your diet. Hooray!



With weight loss tips from this article, now you can have snacks that won’t kill your diet. All snacks and juices above are healthy, easy to prepare, and they can help you get into the best shape of your life.


Featured photo credit: PicJumbo via

The post Lose Weight In Pleasure: 15 Healthy Snacks To Tighten Up Your Tummy appeared first on Lifehack.

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