
quinta-feira, dezembro 17, 2015

He Jumps Off The Golden Gate Bridge Because He Finds The World So Cold

The man

Ending it all is tempting. I understand, but it’s wrong. Before you get too caught up with your negative thoughts, I suggest you take a breath, clear your head, and read this. You’ll be encouraged by this story of a man who thought this world is so cold so he jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge, but the moment he realized what he just did, he had instant regret. Here, he narrates his journey to recovery which can make you think that if he can, so can you.

The favorite place to commit suicide from.

Golden Gate BridgeThe Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is one of the most-frequently used spots in the world to commit suicide from. Since it’s opening in 1937, two thousand people have died jumping from this bridge.

hopelessThe man in the video thought there was no hope for him so he started thinking of killing himself. It came to a point when his suffering became too much to bear. He could not take it anymore, he wants to escape this terrible existence, so he thought there was only one option left for him.

The suicide note.

Suicide noteWhen you are desperate, evil thoughts flood your brain. No matter how hard you try to think of positive thoughts, you end up feeling hopeless, helpless. There’s nothing you can do to alleviate your situation. Nobody can help you and nobody cares. At least, these are the thoughts of this man. The sad part is he thinks this is the truth.

The suicide scene.

RailsBecause he could not take his suffering anymore, he decided to end it all. He closed his eyes, and jumped from the rails of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

The story behind.

The manLet’s dig a little deeper to find out his story. This way, we can seek understanding why he attempted to end his own life. This man was born premature and bounced from house to house ’cause nobody wanted him to stay; he was sick all the time, that’s why. Fortunately, someone got him and he had a wonderful childhood. Everything went well through out his childhood and early adolescence. But… at seventeen, all went crushing down.

What happened?

Deadly thoughtsHe started having thoughts that everyone is out to get him; to harm him, and to kill him. And he believed these thoughts. His extreme paranoia led him to exhibit symptoms of mania, and then he started having dark hallucinations. Too dark for a sensitive being to take. Ultimately, he thought of killing himself.

The jump.

He jumped towards the water of death.So… to end it all, he jumped down towards the water of death.

The rescue was fast!

LifeguardIt’s good the lifeguards came quick. They got him before he drowned, took him from the cold water, led him to safety…

He got saved.

He got saved…And to recovery. He was saved and started anew. He picked up the pieces and decided to move on. To accomplish this, he enlisted the help of a support group, a caring community to help him through his struggles.

His story, his struggles.

uses his story to help othersToday, he uses his story to help people like him who are going through the same struggles. He get’s large doses of self affirmation doing this, and it gives him a deep sense of self worth. At last, he finds meaning in living. And he achieves this by helping people suffering due to the same problems and struggles he went through. He knows what they are  going through, he understands their thoughts. He experienced them himself, so they listen to what he had to say.

Helping others.

helping othersHelping others like him gives him reason to live. It gives him the proper perspective he lacked in his early years. Now, he is healed, and it’s because he finds joy, self fulfillment, and meaning in his life helping people by telling his own story.

Featured photo credit: I Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge/Buzzfeed Video via

The post He Jumps Off The Golden Gate Bridge Because He Finds The World So Cold appeared first on Lifehack.

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