
terça-feira, dezembro 15, 2015

An Incredibly Helpful List of 71 Free Online Courses and Tutorials

online courses

Learning online is an ever-growing educational process. With the advancements in technology, we are now able to access a world of information right at our fingertips. Connecting, collaborating and communicating are easier than ever before. With the Internet the options to learn are moving past simple classroom settings. Our education is evolving and so are our learning methods.

Motivation is imperative for effective online learning. There are many benefits to eLearning, but understand it’s a process geared towards the individual. You can create your own schedule, set your desired learning pace and study on your own time. These abilities make it achievable for everyone to pass online courses in any possible field, but you have to put in the work and manage your time accordingly.

EssayMama has sorted through the endless options and provided this infographic about 71 courses available online with each course placed in 1 of 7 different categories. The original version of the infographic is interactive: click on course titles to be taken directly to lesson websites and don’t forget to explore the clickable links at the top of the graphic as well. These are located within the image of a computer monitor and are some of the best educational platforms currently available.

Before you begin, be sure to research your desired subject or area of study. Identify your current level, desired focus and best learning methods to find the right tutorial for you. None of the offered courses are the same, just as no person is the same.

This infographic includes the following 7 categories: programming and design, business and marketing, humanities and social sciences, math and physical science, life sciences and health, personal development and lifestyle. There is a wide range of topics and something for everyone.

Once you know your category, you can start exploring the infographic’s listed courses. Let’s say you want to learn how to design software or need to brush up on your HTML skills. First, view the programming and design section. Look below and check out the offered course options. You can view PVT (program video tutorials), learn Photoshop skills or expand your computer science knowledge.

To enhance your life in a variety of other ways you can view the lifestyle category. Here you will see clickable links to courses on anything from yoga and dance to cooking and photography. Some of the categories will include courses that can be helpful in a variety of areas in life, but all of the listed choices will jump start your education.

The outlook of education is moving quickly towards eLearning. The more digitized our world becomes; the more physical classrooms and teachers are integrating forms of eLearning into their curriculum. Many institutions, schools and communities already offer online classes and tutorials. Situations such as overcrowding or lack of transportation and funds have led to eLearning as a person’s best choice.

No matter your age, occupation or status in life, eLearning is possible. And it can also be more effective than spending precious time and money on other classes. For some people being free of social and performance anxieties can be comforting. Online classes offer a safe place to make mistakes and take risks. It’s obvious that learning online is becoming critical to our futures. The online educational structure is growing with colleges, universities and companies. All are using eLearning to advance their student or employee’s achievements.

To remain competitive and relevant in your chose profession, eLearning can also be fundamental. Get the promotion you want, win the new position you deserve and better your overall work performance. Use this infographic and it’s options to your benefit. The world of learning on the Internet is constantly growing and these are some of the best-reviewed lessons existing. Remain confident, determined and focused and nudge yourself to learn something new today.

71 Free Online Courses and Tutorials That You Haven't Tried Before

Featured photo credit: Alejandro Escamilla via

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