
terça-feira, dezembro 01, 2015

7 Things To Rememeber If You Don’t Want To Have Any Regret When You Die

CSL Test 8

There are many statements and pieces of advice that can be said about what it is to live so fully that you won’t have any regret when you die. There is one element that encompasses a full life, and that’s following your truths. It’s being true to yourself about what you want and not deviating from those desires. This is solely what negates the sting of regret. Think hard about these tips so that one day, when it’s time for you to leave this earth, you won’t have any regret when you die.

Don’t Ever Leave Without Saying I Love You

Honestly, this is really important. My mom died last year and I can still feel the amount of love she had for me in her last “I love you.” I, of course, told her I loved, her but it was almost a distracted comment at the time. She knew it would be our last goodbye and last “I love you,” so with the power she had left, she said it with so much passion that it still makes me feel warm today.

Don’t Take Those You Love For Granted

You will probably notice this throughout your life. A relationship ends and you remember all the reasons you loved them. Your children fly the coup and you fondly remember the house filled with laughter. When you reach the end of your life, you will probably contemplate a lot about people that meant something to you. Every time you have a beautiful memory, it might be tainted with the fact you weren’t really giving that person your full attention. Look into the eyes of the people you love, listen to them, feel their presence in your life. Don’t take one minute of it for granted, as love really is the primary purpose of our existence.

Beat To Your Own Drum

That’s right. Be weird, be silly. Be whatever makes you happy. Date a hippy, date a stock broker. Whatever it is that makes you feel happy, do that. Life should be yours, it should be fulfilling. This is a biggie to prevent regret when you die. Doing what was always a part of your true nature. It may not make you rich or famous, but those things won’t really matter when you live out your personal dreams.

Do Good Things

Have you ever had the opportunity to be compassionate towards someone and walked away instead? I remember seeing a girl I sort-of knew from high school and she was crying. I really felt compelled to put my arms around her and give her a hug but I was too shy. This happened well over ten years ago and I still remember that moment. I should have tried to make her feel better, let her know that someone cared at that exact moment. Don’t let moments like these pass you by. We were put here to care for one another when necessary.

Do Charitable Deeds

When you are coming to the end of your life, you’ll likely wish you could have done more in this world. There is no truer legacy than leaving others less fortunate with something. Those people will never forget you, and it’s likely you changed their life in bigger ways than you realize. While it’s not about being remembered, it’s in us as humans to reach out to others and be helpful.

Live YOUR Dreams

This is a big one. In past generations, there was little option to live out your own dreams. Society had a black and white idea on what a man should be and what a woman should be. It’s simply not the case anymore, so cut out the voices from generations before you and really live out your true dreams. No matter how silly or irrational it seems to others, this is your life alone. This brings you immeasurable joy in your life and you likely did it even though you were afraid.

Be Bold

Magic happens out of your comfort zone, and what you desire in life could be challenged by your own fears. My advice is to do the things that you’re afraid to do. Even if there’s no reward at the end of the rainbow, realizing that your fear was unfounded brings boldness. I guess that’s why we feel the adrenaline when we see videos of adrenaline junkies. While I’m not suggesting that you jump out of a plane, face your fears with the same gusto. When you are at the end of your life, that’s one less thing to regret when you die. You confronted what you were most afraid of and you won.

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