
terça-feira, dezembro 08, 2015

6 Fashion Disasters That Every Man Should Avoid At Work

Man Buttoning Shirt Of Smart Grey Jacket And Plaid Shirt

A great taste in fashion is not always a guy’s strength. Between responsabilities at work and in private life, most men usually do not have enough time for petty issues like being up to date on what’s new in lifestyle and fashion magazines. Men are not always fond of what’s hot and what’s not for the season. There are plenty of fashion-challenged men out there who seek help on this front more than anyone else. Here’s a short guide to 6 fashion disasters that every man should keep away from. Don’t get left behind. Read this now.

#1 Mistake: Wearing Colored Or White Jeans

Some men do their best to express personality through the medium of color, yet this should never apply to their jeans or trousers. Obviously, they should take a tip from women and wear clothes and styles that perfectly suit their body type.

While it’s true that fashion is channeling the 1980s right now, things are not always like that.

The Fix

pants for men formal

Avoid green, yellow, or red jeans. Avoid clothes your girlfriend wears. Of course, there are some guys that can get away with wearing anything they like — like Johnny Depp, for instance. The rest of the male species should avoid wearing colored jeans.

Remember: you’re a man, not a boy. And we’re talking about work here.

#2 Mistake: The Visible Undershirt

Oftentimes, when you lose the office noose you realize what it hid. When you take off your tie, the top button of your shirt often follows suit. The undershirt’s crew neck never looks good.

The Fix

invisible undershirt

There’s no need to ditch that undershirt — it’s a must. Sweat stains can be a bigger sin. Opt for a V-neck undershirt instead, to make sure it stays hidden. Go for heather grey — it’s way less visible through light shirts.

#3 Mistake: Mismatching Belt And Shoes

A very common faux pas, guys often forget about the sin they commit by forgetting the color rule for belts and shoes. Know that your belt should match your shoes if you want to dress nicely. It’s perfectly fine if the quality of the leather differs, but brown belts and black shoes are a very big no-no.

The Fix

matching Belt and Shoes

Opt for the same family of color. There’s little room for flexibility when it comes to your office look. Keep your shoes clean and be stylish.

#4 Mistake: Wearing Inappropriately Colored Socks

Your socks should always be the same color as your pants when wearing a suit. Don’t match the socks with the shoes, that is a frequent mistake.

The Fix:

socks and shoes

Opt for navy socks when wearing a navy suit, and not brown socks to match the shoes. However, things are quite different when it comes to light-colored suits. Pair it up with some darker socks, yet make sure that your socks are a shade lighter than your shoes.

#5 Mistake: Tying A Tie Knot That Is Not The Right Size

You need practice to pull off a tie knot like the one in the below image or like Merril Hoge (the famous American football player who used to get the tie knot wrong). Make sure you tie a four in hand knot for smaller collars.

The Fix

Tie Knot

Balance the size of your tie knot by taking into account the width of your suit lapels and collar — and keep away from clip-on ties.

#6 Mistake: Suits And Backpacks

It might be a very wise decision, switching the classy briefcase for a casual backpack, in order to have a more practical way of carting your kit to work. However, there should be some limits. If what you’re using is riddled with pockets and velcro, save it for travelling and hiking.

The Fix:

Men's Bag

A backback can be worn with a suit if it passes some tests: muted colors, premium fabrics, a contemporary shape. Yup, you’ve nailed it: leather in brown, blue or black, with enough space for a laptop and a spare layer, plus high quality hardware.

Featured photo credit: Man Buttoning Shirt Of Smart Grey Jacket And Plaid Shirt via

The post 6 Fashion Disasters That Every Man Should Avoid At Work appeared first on Lifehack.

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