
sexta-feira, dezembro 04, 2015

5 Reasons Why Single Women Are Way Stronger Than You Think


In a world where there still are gender differences, a woman that has to stand up for herself develops many skills that proves that single women are tougher than we think.

1. They have patience

“Patience is bitter, but it’s fruit is sweet.”  – Aristotle.

We are tempted to think about this old cliché of women going trough some kind of crisis because they are still single. However, the reality is very different.

They know what they want and they are pretty comfortable waiting patiently, enjoying life without despair, not wondering, just walking along the road, while the right person comes along.

Patience is a virtue that is developed according to time and through the experiences that makes us realize that all the right things come at the right the time. A mind that gets this is a mind that has been trained slowly (maybe painfully), but at this point knows that everything makes sense at the end, so there is no need to rush it.

2. They are disciplined

This new species of women are something else, they are admirable for the way they manage their time, their goals, and everything else. And it’s not just coincidence. These women have an admirable sense of discipline!

They are just amazing! Actually, what is more amazing is the fact that when they focus on something, nothing can make them change their mind. What else can be more proof of a strong mind than that. Discipline takes time and commitment to oneself. It’s not an easy road to get to that kind of level.

3. They have nerves of steel

They do not hesitate. Once they have made a up their mind, there is no turning back. They will get what they want, no matter what they have to do. You can see it in their eyes and you can hear it in their voice. You can even see it in the way they move, the way they walk, with that security that no one gets but from the passage of time and the lessons that this carries with it. At this point of their life there is nothing to lose and there is everything to gain. They know that if they loose, they will learn. They are also more than willing to pay that price. They know by the end that everything is a new a experience. Challenges are new lessons that will only nurture their wisdom. That wisdom that make them exactly what they are.

4. They are honest

Straight and clean, that´s how these women like to live – without circling around. They know where they stand and they are looking for someone who respects them for who they are, as well as respecting their goals. They do not like wasting their time or someone else’s time.

They also love being honest to themselves. If things aren’t working in some part of their lives, they do not like fooling themselves. They know that locating the problem and working on it as fast as it can be done, would be better than fooling around until the consequences get bigger.

5.They conquer their fears

Since these women are honest to themselves, they tempt to retrospect themselves. They localize their fears, analyze them, and then they work as hard as possible to conquer them. Being single by choice means wanting to rely in nobody else but yourself. They focus and fight, until they conquer that fear to get to the next challenge.

6. They stick to their guns

Right or wrong, once they have made up their mind there is no way back. They are willing to pay the price of their choices, rather than leaving it up to someone else.

We already said that they know what they want and that they are willing to pay the price, so for a high confidence, strong, and honest woman, playing on the safe side is no longer attractive. Let’s be honest, most of the time they are right, even though the whole world tells them they’re not. They have been through so many deceptions that at this point taking a risk for what they believe is not a problem at all.

7. They do not give up

If life gives them lemons, they certainly do make lemonade. Even though life is tough they will just keep moving. They know that most of the time things aren’t going to go as expected. The willingness to accept the challenge is definitely one of their most characteristic features.

These women are the real life representation of super heroes.

8. They are opinionated

At a certain point in our lives, the world is going to start questioning, “How come you’re still single?” They are going to expect you to give an answer. The simple truth is that you have decided to stay single because that is what you’ve decided. Period!

Single women do not care about any one else’s opinion because they know that in the end, the only person they must give a reason to is themselves.

The post 5 Reasons Why Single Women Are Way Stronger Than You Think appeared first on Lifehack.

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