
terça-feira, dezembro 15, 2015

12 Ways How Distance Can Strengthen Your Friendship.


How do you define friendship? A true friend is never apart. He is there with you all the time, and physical distance doesn’t mean anything if there is more to gain in the friendship. In an age where technology can ease communication, there really are no boundaries or limitations to a true friendship.

I have friends who are far away from me, but I do not let these barriers mean anything. Actually I have discovered new meanings and depths in the relationship since we are miles apart. Here is why distance only makes you physically apart but mentally closer with your friend.

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” ― Unknown

1. You are committed to the friendship even when you don’t see them

Yes, you may have new friends, cover new territories but deep within you are committed to your friend who is more than a mile away. You think about them every now and then. When push comes to shove you still dial that one person’s number and tell them what is bothering you. They are your sidekick and you are their pillar because they always have your back just as you have theirs.

2. You are willing to make the effort even when they seem far away

You want to put the effort to let them aware that you are not so far away. You can talk, text, and update each other on what is happening in your lives.

3. You have so much to share even you have different experiences

Yes, you have different experiences but somewhere there is still that similarity that puts you in touch with sharing your experiences. When you get back in the same city as your friend, you talk effortlessly and never run out of things to say to each other — even if you are currently going through different experiences.

4. You have great memories even when you do not see each other

Your true friends are like the stars, even when they are not physically close, they have a special place in your heart. You have great memories of the times you spent with them and this is eternal.

5. You will always make a way even when there seems to be noway

Yes, if you do care about someone you will always find a way to break boundaries and sail through borders, because this doesn’t mean anything.

6. You appreciate them better when you see them again

You find them more interesting and can relate with your true friends on a whole new level when you meet them again after a period of separation. Cherish the time you spend if your friends whenever you see them again.

7. You always have something to talk about

You don’t need to talk everyday but whenever you can talk, there is something to talk about – the past, the present and the future.

8. You have a more purposeful friendship now

Your friendship is more purpose driven when you are physically apart. You know that you do not have much time together so you can discuss subjects that are important and purposeful.

9. You have someone who will always make you feel special when you are down

No one knows you like your true friend. They know what entertains you and what would placate you even in challenging times. It is nice to have someone to call whenever you need to hear just the right thing to get through the day.

10. You have someone who believes in you even when others don’t

Your friend knows that your being far away is for the right reason. They do not apportion blames or make you feel guilty for being far away. Rather they will find ways to always reach out to you.

11. You know what to say when you see them again

You miss them, you value them, you appreciate them, and being physically apart gives you enough time to reflect on the essence of your friendship with that one true friend.

12. You know they will always be waiting for you

It is to be expected that new, other things will take over your thoughts and time. There will be things that will replace the activities that you once did together. But you are not worried, you are not anxious, you are courageous about what you have established together. And you know that when you see your friend again, every good thing that you have together will be waiting for you.

Featured photo credit: Friends/ Vicky Lazovich via

The post 12 Ways How Distance Can Strengthen Your Friendship. appeared first on Lifehack.

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