
sábado, dezembro 19, 2015

12 Precious Life Lessons You Can Learn From Traveling Alone


While it’s fun to travel with family or friends, or go on a romantic vacation with your significant other, there’s nothing like solo traveling to open your eyes and soul to the amazing experiences the world has to offer.

When you’re on your own, you have the freedom to do almost whatever you want without worrying about disappointing someone in the group. You can map your own route, plan your own itinerary, and make any last minute changes as you please.

Whether you’re used to living independently or you find comfort in kin, you’ll find that traveling alone is a breath of fresh air. Not only are there countless reasons to travel alone, there are also many life lessons to learn from the experience. Here are some of them:

Treat the World Like it is Your Oyster

Yes, you’re just a tiny dot in this enormous world but solo travelling shows you that the entire world is your home, that you are in the position to enjoy and experience everything it has in store. You have the freedom to go wherever you want, do whatever you want to do. Traveling in groups may hold you back as you would need to consider other people’s preferences but when you go on a journey by yourself, it is a lot easier to make the most out of the experience.

Roll with the Punches and Maintain a Positive Attitude

Pack lightly and leave your high maintenance attitude back at home. If there’s one thing you’re going to learn from your solo adventures, it’s that you’re going to have a lot more fun if you let loose and just roll with the punches. Expect that there will be countless hardships along the way, but you can’t let any of these stop you from having a worthwhile trip.

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

No matter how tough things get, you have to remember there’s always a silver lining somewhere, even in the darkest of clouds. Looking at the positive side of things has become second nature among those who travel alone frequently. The tougher the challenges are, the tougher you become.

Travel Matures Your Attitude

Solo traveling will definitely change you, more often than not, for the better. It changes your outlook, persona and attitude. It alters how you react to situations. It makes you more creative, more resourceful, more flexible, and more open to new ideas and experiences. You never would have thought that you could become this person, but traveling alone does this and more to you.

“Alone” and “Lonely” are Different

Solo traveling literally means you’re on your own. It means that you have no one to rely on but yourself. But this doesn’t make you forever alone. Along the way, you’re going meet wonderful people whom you will form strong bonds with. And because you’re not with anyone else, it makes it easier for you to meet and be open to new people. You’re always going to get the help that you need when you need it. This is one of the precious lessons you learn from traveling by yourself.

Patience is a Virtue

Traveling alone will do so much in testing your patience. As you can expect, there will be mishaps and bloopers throughout your journey—some will make you laugh, some will make you cry. But in the end of it all, you’re going to see how your patience will go a long way in ensuring things turn out for the better.

Life is Full of Possibilities

When you’re alone, there’s a possibility that you’re going to spend a good chunk of your time watching and observing people around you. If you didn’t know any better, you’d find things that would make you turn green with envy. Why does this family look so happy? Why does this woman have all that jewelry and wardrobe full of fashionable clothes? How come this man is driving that luxury car? But just the same, spending time alone will give you time to reflect about all the blessings that you have in your life, and soon enough you’ll realize that comparing your life to others will only steal your joy. You just have to be thankful for all that you have.

Enjoy the Moment

Another priceless gem that you’ll learn from traveling alone is that life is indeed too short. If you’re lucky, you might live up to a hundred years old but still this won’t be enough to cover everything. Realizing this will make it easier for you to embrace change and not let fear hold you back from having the time of your life.

There are No Mistakes, but only Lessons to Learn in Life

In solo traveling, there are no mistakes, only lessons to learn. There’s no use having regrets over poor choices or decisions. What has happened has already happened. Just turn your attention to the bright side, and learn from that mishap so that you don’t stumble upon it again. Crying over spilled milk is just a waste of time and energy. You have a lot more to enjoy ahead on your journey.

The Journey Matters As Much As the Destination

Don’t rush to get to your destination. Make the most out of your journey as well. This is where you’re going to experience new things, meet new people, learn life lessons. Every second of your travels matters just as much as arriving to your point of destination.

Nothing is Permanent Except Change

Solo travelers will learn at some point in their journey that the only way to travel to the fullest is to jump into the unknown. After all, traveling alone is the first step in going out of your comfort zone. And the farther you are away from it, the more you’ll get a taste of all those delicious experiences life has for you. You’ll learn that there’s no need to fear new experiences, instead they should be welcomed with open arms.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Traveling enriches your mind and your soul. It satiates your thirst for knowledge and experience. It expands your horizon, showing things that you’ve never seen before. Contrary to popular belief, wandering doesn’t mean that you’re lost. It may mean that you’re just on a quest to get to know yourself better. And it’s also during solo travel that you get to learn that getting lost isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes, it’s the best way to find yourself.

It’s true that solo traveling can be a nerve-wracking experience. But once you get to experience what it’s like, you’ll be thankful that you mustered the courage to travel alone.

Featured photo credit: NAR studio via

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