
terça-feira, novembro 10, 2015

Why True Love Isn’t Like Hide-And-Seek But Building Sand Castles


With the dominant presence of the media, we are expected to find love and live happily ever after. When the subject is centered on love many are becoming more nonchalant and unwilling to work for it or building it. But this is why true love isn’t like hide and seek but like building sand castles.

1. It starts in a tender way

Building a sand castle starts on a soft surface just like love. Love has a strong appeal on each of us and makes us calmer, tender and softer so that we have a more positive perception of the world around us.

2. It can be fragile

After being attracted to someone you are willing to take the risks to get to know the person on a different level. Like building a sand castle you have to be creative and strategic in how you express your feelings and how you take this attraction to another level in the relationship.

3. We do not know what form it will take

Like building a sand castle we do not know where we are headed but the journey and the prospects are so exciting that we are ready to go all the way. In its purest form, true love takes us on a path we may never have plied on our own.

4. You are willing to learn

For many, building a sand castle is a task that is both exciting and offers learning to our curious minds. With love you should be willing to learn how to trust and respect the other person, and you should not be ready to expect anything less.

5. It takes time

You don’t build a sand castle in seconds. It takes time to build and nurture love; such patience and effort makes it more rewarding and enriching.

6. You should focus on giving than getting

Enjoy the process of being in love. Don’t think of the rewards; diving in deep, you should not expect getting something back in return from your partner to justify your actions.

7. You should be willing to face the challenges

Love is not like a fairy tale. Although exciting and fun filled a love story comes with its challenges and you have to be willing to tolerate the other person’s flaws. Don’t get too serious and expect perfection. A sand castle is really not a perfect structure after all but with the right desires and expectations you can get a lot from it.

8. You will be adaptive

We tend to do things that we have not done before or may not do ordinarily for the one we love. True love is adaptive and accommodating. You have to be willing to accept the unconventional to make a balanced relationship.

9. It evolves

Love doesn’t have a boundary or a limit, it actually evolves and gets better. You will be more equipped to face the future as you can overcome the hurdles that every stage presents.

10. It is a way of living

While some people think that love is passive and is emotional, you will find out that love is active and a way of life. You are willing to keep your promises and commit yourself to the process. Like building a sand castle, it needs action rather than mere wishful thinking or daydreaming.

11. It is bold

Being in love makes you feel alive and willing to take on challenges or march into higher grounds. You simply feel obligated to make your partner feel loved and special.

12. It takes two

True love is not individualized. It takes two to make it a success. Interestingly as the relationship deepens you are willing to focus on the “we” rather than “me.”

At the end of the day, you should not force this type of love. It will grow and become a sand castle that you always cherish

Featured photo credit: via

The post Why True Love Isn’t Like Hide-And-Seek But Building Sand Castles appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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