
segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2015

Mysterious carvings of animal heads found near the town of Sliven in Bulgaria

A mysterious archaeological site near the eastern Bulgarian town of Sliven named “The Rock Herd” recently became popular after pictures appeared on Facebook. At first sight, there is nothing unusual with the rock formations, but if you look carefully, you can notice the carefully carved animal heads. Very little is known about the site.

The location was investigated by archaeologists from the Sliven Regional Museum of History, but no conclusions have been made about the animal heads and their makers, or even the time period in which they were made. By looking at the erosion on the faces, they are probably ancient.
These enigmatic carvings (petroglyphs) are made on the edge of a semi-circular rock face.  The carved animal heads and reliefs seem to be of many different styles and look like they’ve been made by more than one craftsman.

Most of the carvings appear to be bull, goat and/or Capricorn goat (sea goat) heads but there are also reliefs of some wild animals and also some water animals. This may suggest that some connection with the zodiac signs. The Capricorn is also used as a symbol when depicting Pan, the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks. So maybe there was some sort of cult here that did rituals devoted to him.

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