
sexta-feira, novembro 13, 2015

How Iron Buddha Tea Can Insanely Improve Your Health


Indulging in a steaming cup of tea is one of the best health habits that any person can pick up. Tea leaves offer amazing health benefits as well as a necessary caffeine jolt. You can get everything you need in a single cup without the hangover caused by coffee or sugary drinks.

Some people have heard that tea offers “this” anti-oxidant or “that” nutrient. But few people understand what that actually means for your body. The health benefits of Iron Buddha tea are more than just getting hard to find micronutrients. These micronutrients help you achieve better skin and  promote a healthy metabolism. A cup of tea can even help keep your bones healthy.

People who indulge in a regular cup of Iron Buddha tea may experience many of the following amazing benefits for your health:

They Have Better Skin

Mild forms of eczema are common skin conditions today. It causes patches of red, irritated skin that are both unsightly and uncomfortable. Everyone from your neighbor to supermodel Cara DeLevigne has probably suffered from eczema or a similar skin disorder at some point in their life.

People knew that green tea offered some benefits for treating skin disorders. But a 2001 study performed by Shiga University found that oolong teas, like Iron Buddha tea, were also good for dealing with skin diseases.

The study showed that when combined with treatment, drinking a healthy amount of oolong tea for a few weeks could help improve skin conditions faster than traditional treatments alone. 63% of the people who took part in the study had moderate improvements in their conditions after only one month.

They Have More Energy

Oolong and green teas, like Iron Buddha tea, present small amounts of caffeine when the leaves are correctly brewed. This caffeine is naturally occurring and gives you a small energy boost to help you make it through your day.

Sure, you can get your caffeine jolt from anywhere you want. But drinking tea helps you have energy for longer because it doesn’t shock your system with caffeine, which forces it to crash.

Instead, a cup of warming tea keeps your metabolism stable because it is comforting and doesn’t include the same amount of sugar that so many people take in their coffee.

They Have Stronger Bones

Some studies say that drinking oolong tea helps promote healthy bone density even later in life. People drink a few cups of oolong tea regularly are more likely to keep their mineral density in their bones. This helps to prevent bone diseases like osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease that is often found in older women; however, it can affect anyone. Those who suffer from osteoporosis are more likely to suffer from badly broken bones. This is because their bones lack the calcium and magnesium they need to remain strong and heal themselves.

Many people begin taking medications or treating themselves with supplements at an early age. But they could be getting what they need from Iron Buddha tea!

They Have Faster Metabolisms

In a study in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, overweight patients in China were given oolong teas, like Iron Buddha tea, to drink regularly for six straight weeks. Everyone who consumed the tea as direct lost weight and had smaller waist sizes at the end of the six weeks.

Tea, the kind you can buy from Airy Tea and other online sources, can help raise the metabolism of tea drinks for almost two hours after they drink it. But the fat burning properties don’t end there. Some of the polyphenols found in Iron Buddha tea block the enzymes that would usually cause a buildup of fat in the body.

Plus, oolong tea isn’t loaded with huge amounts of additives or sugars. These things would often block any fat burning properties that you might have experienced from other coffee drinks or diet drinks.

They Have Better Digestive Systems

Iron Buddha tea and other oolong teas have several properties that ideal for supporting a healthy digestive system. Asian cultures have been drinking tea for its digestive properties for thousands of years. But it was not until recently that scientists began to discover the huge benefits that these teas offer the digestive system.

Almost all teas have some type of anti-inflammatory property that helps soothe inflammation in the gut and bowels. Many digestive disorders stem from inflammation issues. In these cases, tea can help reduce this inflammation for normal digestive function.

Some of the antioxidants in tea also work to prevent inflammation. These antioxidants help to protect the small intestine from irritation that causes inflammation. Tea may not replace medication. But it can help enhance the restorative effects and help your heal your gut faster.

Iron Buddha tea is the perfect addition to any healthy diet and lifestyle routine. When you replace your sugary caffeinated beverages with this restorative tea, you will begin to notice the positive health benefits right away.

Featured photo credit: Jess via

The post How Iron Buddha Tea Can Insanely Improve Your Health appeared first on Lifehack.

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