
quarta-feira, novembro 18, 2015

Dig Your Own Fossils at These Quarries

People knew about fossils since the time of Herodotus, but it was only in the late 18th and early 19th century, when the importance of fossils to geology and biology was understood, that fossil hunting emerged as a serious hobby and science. Today, there are hundreds —maybe even thousands— of sites where fossils have been found. Some sites are protected where you can look but can’t remove the fossils. Others are in the wild that are still actively pursued by fossil hunters both professionals and amateurs. Some fossil sites are in private land and have been turned into “fossil quarries” where anybody can hunt for fossils by paying a small fee. Such places are great for families, kids and people who’ve never collected fossils before. You are supplied with tools, guidance, and plenty of rocks to split and keep everything you find.

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