
segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2015

Amazing Selfie Guide from Famous Political Leaders

Selfie guide by NinjaEssays

Social Media introduced the world to the power of the selfie. And no self-respecting social media aficionado is without at least a few on their profile. But taking a selfie that truly captures the incredible essence of YOU is not just something you can fake. There is some serious skill involved in the art form! And who better to teach us those skills than the leaders of the free world? I mean, it’s not like they have anything more important to do.

Barack Obama likes to take breaks between his power lunches and Al Green impressions to practice capturing his best angles. It’s tricky to get a good angle when you’re in an oval office! Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump think it’s best to include a friend in your selfie! I don’t know who that bearded guy is, but I’d happily get a selfie with Meryl! One point for Hilary. Of course, why get only one friend in on the action when you can have a whole group! Try to get as many people as you can in your selfie! You could always follow Michelle Obama’s selfie technique and cozy up next to a dog. In fact, you should probably do that anyway. Dogs are awesome!

Of course, you could remake every one of these pictures and you still wouldn’t hold a candle to the epic selfie game of Jackie Kennedy. Even in 1954 before Kim Kardashian became the selfie queen, Jackie was posing with JFK and Ethel Kennedy and looking fierce! Take a look at how it’s done on this infographic created by custom writing service NinjaEssays!

Selfie Guide by NinjaEssays

Featured photo credit: Ninja Essays via

The post Amazing Selfie Guide from Famous Political Leaders appeared first on Lifehack.

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