
segunda-feira, novembro 30, 2015

9 Amazing Things That Happen When Dog Owners Date Cat Owners


While studies claim that cat owners are smarter, studies also claim that dog owners are more social, active and caring. Yet when people who own different animals come together in a relationship a lot of interesting things are bound to happen. Having pets bring some special moments in a relationship and some of these moments are worth considering.

1. They embrace loyalty

Raising a dog or a cat takes loyalty. When dog owners and cat owners date, they embrace commitment and loyalty of being there for each other. They break through boundaries but focus on being the ideal lover that makes the other understand what it means to be there for them.

2. They explore new territories

If you are a dog owner and you date a cat owner, you are bound to go out of your borders and discover new territories whether in your homes or outdoor. You learn that you do not have to get stuck but have to commit to discovery and searching for new places and territories.

3. They become more sociable

Let’s face it, it takes tolerance on your part to be with a partner who has a different pet from yours. When you start dating a cat or dog owner you start becoming more sociable and more interesting to be with. It becomes easier for your partner to get along with you. Dog owners and cat owners can connect not only with themselves but with their environments.

4. They discover each other

Dog and cat owners have a strong sense of attachment and bonding. It is easier for such owners to bond with each other through cuddling and spending time on intimacy. They can lean on each other for support and be a huge pillar of learning for the other person. And trust me there is nothing cuter than watching an owner taking a nap with their pet.

5. There is something sexy about the relationship

With the cuddling and the times spent going on the walks, there is something sexy about the relationship. You can have each other to thank for being there and the interest you need to have on the other person builds love and warmth.

6. The pictures together are remarkable

An interesting experience that comes with this is that you can have a memorable photo with you two holding each other’s pets. It is like one big family with male and female kids. There is that spark in coming together and establishing common grounds as you enjoy each other’s company.

7. The relationship is built on responsibility

Caring for animals can come with its challenges. It is a process that requires patience and commitment. Whatever decisions you are making together has to come with the fact that you will have to put your pets into consideration. Being able to put the interest of your pets sometimes above yours is an admirable quality. Such quality requires patience and commitment, something that is required to make any relationship succeed.

8. Forgiveness helps you discover new possibilities

Pets can come with some messiness. Accidents could happen. Yet a pet owner should know how to deal with these. They have to learn to deal with their pets and learn from mistakes as they nurture their pets. When dog and cat owners date they learn to have fun, appreciate the messiness their pets cause and find some excitement in the journey of making a cute family. What is important at the end of the day is that their pets are happy and comfortable with their owners.

9. There is more energy in the relationship

Being around pets sort of gives you and your partner more energy. Proximity to your dog and cat makes the relationship more energized. You can find joy in being tasked every now and then. Certainly there will be no ideal moments.

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The post 9 Amazing Things That Happen When Dog Owners Date Cat Owners appeared first on Lifehack.

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