
segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2015

6 Ways Healthy Food Impacts Your Body


Food is not the enemy as some people claim it to be. It is actually your best friend, but if you consume it right, and when you do, your body will return the favor by treating you right and functioning well. So now lets look at the six reasons why eating healthy will make you change the way you think about everything.

1. You feel what you eat.

People say you are what you eat. Not exactly, it’s more likely that you feel what you eat. What you put inside your body affects your mood and how you handle your day. Ditching breakfast for that early morning meeting will most likely make you feel crankier and more stressed than productive.

Breakfast is truly important and it is the most vital meal of the day. It may sound cliche, but you really should not work on an empty stomach. Having a lack of sufficient nutrients in your body will take its toll on you and your logical thinking will be going awry, causing you to not think straight.

2. Bread makes you happy.

Many have looked at carbohydrates as an enemy since it had been claimed to be “fattening”. On the contrary, any type of food can make you fat when you consume too much of it, and bread is not an exception. They say money can’t buy you happiness, but nutritionists and food experts claim bread, or carbs per se, can.

Carb-loaded food, especially complex carbs like peas, beans, and vegetables, are packed with fiber and whole grains that leave you in a good mood, according to WebMD. It also produces glucose in your body, which gives you the energy to work through the day with just enough drive which you need.

3. Healthy food increases your productivity.

Studies show that every seven years, our bodies change, and our cells are renewed. It can even enable us to change mistakes we’ve made in the past, like those junk foods we ate on late nights and the vegetables we took for granted, but, fortunately we no longer have to wait for that seven years. We can change the way our bodies function with what we eat daily, starting today.

As much as food can dictate your mood, it can also determine your productivity. Food helps your brain make it or break it, so it’s important to feed your body with the right nutrients you need and not just any kind of food you can reach at arm’s length.

Your body functions like a car, it needs fuel to run properly, otherwise it will run out of gas and stop in its tracks. It’s important to keep track of your glucose, your main energy source, as it gives you the boost you need. But glucose is easy to miscalculate and under-rate so it’s better to have a clearer understanding of what glucose-rich foods you should be aiming for.

4. Eating healthy can help you save the world.

Maybe not exactly save the world, but you can help the environment by eating more greens. Accord to, regardless if you’re vegan or are trying to experiment with different kinds of diets, you still need protein, and some of them are plant-based, which means it doesn’t require meat. Some protein-rich sources that come from plants include legumes, nuts, grains, vegetables, spreads, and others.

Aside from promoting a cleaner environment, eating plant-based proteins has a lot of health benefits, such as lowering your risk of heart disease, feeding you the same hormones and antibiotics you get from meat, and giving you proper digestion from all the fiber.

5. Keep memory intact, keep chips away.

Chips may taste great, but they’re not entirely good for your waistline, your pocket, or your mood. Greasy foods that are rich in saturated fats can easily make you sluggish and unhealthy and are linked to depression and dementia. If you’d like to keep your memory intact, among all other brain disease and injuries, stay away from the greasy bag and opt for a healthier option.

Eating foods rich in fat that doesn’t offer any health benefits will only make you gain pounds faster, which can result in you stress eating to make you feel good about yourself. It’s a vicious cycle and when it goes on longer than it should, it can eventually make you feel depressed. To avoid that, stay away from greasy, oily, and fatty foods.

6. You can take control of your life and your weight.

We’ve all heard the benefits of eating healthy, having healthier skin, energizing your body, better sleeping patterns, and so on. But one effect that nutritionists never fail to emphasize is the control you can have over your weight. You don’t have to look like a superstar to be considered fit and healthy but what you eat radiates in what you do. Eating healthy can ultimately reduce your grocery cost and the inches from your waistline. So instead of spending a thousand dollars on soda or junk food, opt for water that is healthier and free.

Featured photo credit: jeffreyw via

The post 6 Ways Healthy Food Impacts Your Body appeared first on Lifehack.

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