
domingo, novembro 01, 2015

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Have A Rebound Relationship


Break-ups can be a heart-wrenching experience. Not only does it leave you distraught and unhappy, it also bruises your self-esteem. You may find it hard to recover immediately. Perhaps this is why, for some, the best way to heal is to dive into another relationship quickly after a break-up. What is known as a rebound relationship could be an unfair and unhealthy way for you to move forward. Here is why.

1. You need some time to heal

As you end a relationship you should find time for introspection. You should have enough time to look inwards and know what went wrong with your relationship, and how you can move forward from it. A rebound breaks that course of you being able to heal and reflect through the process of a previous breakup. Time is essential to let go of the past and to embrace something new.

2. You could be taken advantage of

A rebound relationship does not prepare you for what is next. At the point of a breakup, you are torn and broken. You should not be jumping into a relationship at this point, because you could be a victim of someone out there who wants to take advantage of your vulnerability. Instead, allow some time to pass to get prepared for what is next.

3. You are only filling a temporary gap

Whatever emotional void a breakup presents to you cannot simply be watered down by a rebound relationship. When you have been in an intimate, personal relationship with someone, you simply don’t erase the person from your mind. You do need some amount of time to get over someone. It doesn’t happen immediately or like a flash of lightning. This is why it is necessary to have some closure before walking into a new relationship. Because a rebound relationship is only there to fill a temporary gap, and it cannot offer you something solid.

4. You destroy all hopes of getting back with your ex

Your ex has feelings too. A breakup can help both parties to look inwards, analyze, and see if there is any possibility for a future reunion. A rebound relationship destroys any chances of a possible relationship with your ex. They may have been doing well to sort out their feelings. A rebound relationship hammers the nail in the coffin and buries all the beautiful moments you have spent together.

5. You damage your reputation

A rebound relationship does not help you protect your reputation, as people who are committed are often given more respect. By not jumping into a rebound relationship, you show strength of character and a desire to achieve something. Breakups are hard and everyone understands this. But you have to own up to the situation rather than jumping into another relationship. People will take you less seriously when you are known for getting into a string of relationships one after the other.

6. You are in a haze

After a breakup, you are in a haze and a mess emotionally. A lot of thoughts are running through your mind, and you are not your real self. Rushing into another relationship does not help you catch the eye of the person you should really be interested in. You need to be organized before getting into a relationship, as this helps the other person see you for who you really are.

Most times people do not want to face the reality of being in a breakup. They want to get into a rebound relationship to get over the fear of loneliness. The best way to deal with a breakup is to do what it entails by dealing with it. Talk to your friends, family or a therapist. You could also write, and vent your emotions through this medium. You should take good care of yourself and, with time, you will be ready to take on a new relationship.


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