
terça-feira, novembro 17, 2015

6 Huge Differences Between A Partner And A Soulmate


For many people, finding a soulmate to spend their life with is a goal they hope to achieve. People don’t want to just find a partner to live their lives with, but find a soulmate that understands them on a deeper level. And when it comes down to it — it is easy to see that there are some differences that make finding a soulmate so amazing.

1. A partner tries to understand your feelings, while a soulmate feels your feelings

Partners can be wonderful about trying to understand your feelings. They are usually willing to sit and talk with you to find out what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it. But a soulmate doesn’t even need to ask what you’re feeling or why you’re feeling it. They know it and understand it within their own heart and will not only not need it explained, but a soulmate will also feel your feelings with you. When you’re hurting, they are hurting, when you’re filled with joy, they are filled with joy. Soulmates are so connected that their feelings are attached by the heart.

2. A partner wants to hear your thoughts, a soulmate already knows them

A partner wants to hear what you’re thinking, they like to know what you think about movies, music, and current events. A soulmate doesn’t need to ask because they are already thinking the same thing. Without saying a word they know that you hated that movie you just saw and most likely they felt the same way about it.

3. A partner encourages you to shoot for your dreams, a soulmate won’t let you settle for anything else

A partner wants you to go for your dreams and your goals. They are encouraging and want to see you happy. But a soulmate doesn’t just push you towards your dreams, they won’t settle for anything less. Soulmates will make sure that you are going for your dreams no matter what they are, and they will do anything in their power to help you get there. You may have what seems like an impossible dream, but your soulmate doesn’t think anything you dream is impossible and will make sure you reach your goals.

4. A partner doesn’t want to live without you, a soulmate finds it impossible

A partner will tell you that he doesn’t want to live without you, that he wants you in his life. But a soulmate will find it impossible to live without you. A soulmate not finds it impossible to even picture a life without you. The thought of living a life without you is something that they know they just can’t do so they are willing to do whatever it takes to keep you in their life.

5. A partner has dreams and hopes that you are in them, a soulmate has dreams that always contain you

A partner will have dreams and plan for a future, and they will hope that you are in them. A soulmate will plan for a future that contains you, without any doubt. Jobs, houses, and any major plans for a future will revolve around what is best for both of you, not just one of you. Soulmates make sure that everything is discussed and open on the table, so that one person doesn’t plan a future that the other won’t want to live in.

6. A partner will hide parts of themselves, while a soulmate will open their entire soul

A partner finds a need to hide parts of themselves for fear that their partner won’t approve of them and their deepest secrets. A soulmate leaves no part of their heart left hidden. Their deepest fears, anxieties, worries, joys, and experiences that they hide from the rest of the world will be shown to their soulmate. Nothing is left hidden and a soulmate will never judge your heart. They will be understanding and love you through it all.

Having a committed partner is a wonderful experience. Having a soulmate who loves you is an even more amazing thing. Finding a soulmate means you have someone in your life that understands you, needs you, and feels with you like no other person. It’s a relationship that can barely be summed up into words- except that it is magical.

Featured photo credit: lovecatz via

The post 6 Huge Differences Between A Partner And A Soulmate appeared first on Lifehack.

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