
terça-feira, outubro 13, 2015

You Know You’re From California When…

California, ice cream, sunshine, sunny day, summer

California is the land of sunshine, beaches, and In-N-Out. Not only does it boast being one of the most popular states in the country, but it also has some definite quirks that truly define it. Those who are from California hold it in a fond place within their hearts, and there are some traits that band them all together.

Aside from actually having been born in California, there are some pretty obvious signs that you are from the infamous Golden State. You get extra points for being from Southern California.

Here are ten signs you are from California:

You know you’re from California when. . .


It’s pretty true that those from California get super excited when it rains. We’re just not quite sure how to handle that wet stuff falling from the sky. What do we do??? Drivers end up not really knowing to handle the slick roads, hydroplaning is constantly taking place, and pretty much everyone has their phones out to take pictures. It’s just that weird.

2. You can go to the beach in the winter.

Not only are you able to go the beach during the months when everyone else is bundled up in every coat, scarf, and flannel shirt they own, but you go repeatedly. If you’re from San Diego, you also know the beach doesn’t really look anything like it does in the brochures. Still, most people don’t complain about it pretty much being summer year-round.

3. Fire is not really surprising.

Summer means everything is going to be on fire. It happens every single year, and is no longer even surprising or shocking. The warm weather and Santa Ana winds combine to create the perfect recipe for wildfires. A careless driver flicks a cigarette butt out the window on the freeway, and fires are spreading a few moments later.

4. You love Animal Style Fries.

California is the home of In-N-Out, and pretty much everyone loves Animal Style Fries. When you move away from California, you will still crave In-N-Out. No other burger joint will be able to fill that void in your heart – or in your stomach.

5. You rarely wear a jacket.

The mornings may be cold, but you will dying of heat stroke once it hits noon. It’s easier to not wear one, than to have to carry it around with you the rest of the day. In fact, you probably don’t really own a thick jacket at all. Your jackets are cute, but not all that functional.

6. You say “P.E.” instead of “Gym.”

This class also takes place outside. It’s only inside if it’s raining, and then you just know you’re going to be playing Dodgeball.

7. April 20th is the unofficial Ditch Day at your school.

Even the teachers expect smaller class sizes on that day. It’s just accepted.

8. Winter means a couple days of rain.

You have never, ever had a snow day. In fact, it’s not all that weird to have never seen snow.You have to drive up north to a special location, such as Big Bear, in order to see snow. It just doesn’t happen, especially in Southern California.

9. ‘Governator’. 

Enough said.

10. Everything around you is expensive.

Rent, auto insurance, and even clothes are priced higher in California than they are elsewhere throughout the country.
Most things are at least twice as expensive in California than it is anywhere else.

Bonus: You caught yourself nodding in agreement as you read this list.

This list is especially applicable to those from Southern California, though they’re fairly common traits throughout the entire Golden State. There is a reason that has been the official nickname since 1968, after all!

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via

The post You Know You’re From California When… appeared first on Lifehack.

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