
segunda-feira, outubro 12, 2015

Why Early Risers Are Great Partners


Everyone knows that the early bird gets the worm. But few people realize that there are many traits of early risers that also make them great partners.

There are plenty of great things about waking up early. Not only do you get to watch the sunrise with your morning coffee but you also get extra time for yourself.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with sleeping in. But those who chronically sleep past their alarms can learn a lot from those who are up with the birds. Not only do early risers have more hours in their day but they often use them wisely.

Here are five reasons why early risers make great partners:

They Are More Proactive

Even for the most alert morning people, it takes a certain amount of stamina to let both feet hit the floor so early in the morning. As a whole, those who are up with the sun are more proactive than night owls. They are more likely to take the world head on rather than procrastinate.

This translates into being a good partner because they are more likely to be direct about their feelings. They are also more open to change. But beyond this, early risers are more likely to get involved in working to become better in their relationships for their partners.

Being proactive in a relationship leaves less room for stagnancy and resentment. These are two of the biggest serious romance killers.

They Are More Successful

It has long been established that those who get up earlier are more successful than those who hit snooze. One study showed that students who identified as early risers had a full point higher GPA than those who doze through the morning.

Of course, most of the world’s most financially successful people are all out of bed well before seven in the morning. Many have done more before 9 AM than most people do all day.

But does success in the classroom and the boardroom make early risers better partners?

It can. When someone is happier with their professional life and fulfilled in their roles at work and school, they can share that success with their partner. It is more fun to be with someone who is successful at their job than someone who struggles to make it through the day.

They Are Happier

Early risers suffer less stress than those who speed through their morning routines. It’s not hard to imagine why. When you can get up and enjoy a leisurely start to your day, you are much more relaxed than if you are still shaving as you walk out the door.

For many people, mornings are when people are at their crankiest. The stress associated with mornings only makes it worse. Needless to say, some of a couple’s most bitter fights happen before lunch time.

But when you start your morning off on the right side of the bed, you are likely to be happier and have more patience through the rest of the day.

At the end of the day, happy, patient people make better partners than morose and anxious people do.

They Are More Productive

Early risers are more productive. This productivity comes as the result of almost every quality on this list. Happy and proactive people are naturally more productive than others.

A productive person makes a great partner because they are more likely to share in the responsibilities that come a relationship. People who enjoying getting things done will be more likely to do their fair share of work around the house. They’ll make sure all the electricals are in working order and dirty dishes don’t stay languishing in the sink. They are also happier to pick up the slack if their partner needs a break.

They Are Healthier

Early risers are healthier for a few reasons. The primary reason is that many early birds use the extra few hours to get a workout in before work. They also have time to cook and eat a nutritious breakfast which sets them up for the rest of the day.

Since early risers are more proactive and more productive, they are more likely to stick to a long term work out plan. Regular exercise has proven to be one of the essential components for long term health.

Having a healthy partner is great for everyone. Most people do not enter a relationship looking for a physically health partner because it is naturally a part of our mating process. This happens for a few reasons. Not only do healthier partners live longer lives but they usually produce healthier children. They also do not feed any hidden unhealthy habits in their partners.

As it turns out, the only disadvantage of dating an early riser is the early alarm.

There is much to be said for starting out your day with peace and happiness. Early risers are happier, healthier and just more fun to have around.

Featured photo credit: Loren Kerns via

The post Why Early Risers Are Great Partners appeared first on Lifehack.

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