
sábado, outubro 17, 2015

This Google Chrome Extension Will Boost Your Language Learning Effectively

smiling foreign couple

Is language learning difficult for you?

Learning new languages is hard, and it’s no surprise when you consider that the language learning industry is worth a massive $82.6 billion.

Simply put: it takes time.

Research suggests that the best way to comprehend a new language is through immersion. This study involved subjects being split into two groups: one group studied a language in a traditional classroom, setting while the other was trained using immersion.

After five months of no exposure to the new language, both groups kept their language skills even though they had not used them at all, and both showed brain processing similar to that of a native speaker. However, the immersion group showed the full brain patterns of a native speaker.

Language immersion is fantastic, but realistically this is not an option for many of us. It’s hard to find the time and money to travel to another country or pay for one-on-one lessons. Even taking a few classes at a local community college is out of the question.

It cuts too much into our daily lives.

For the majority of us, we need an easier way to learn a new language through immersion. One that requires no physical presence, but just internet connection.

Welcome Language Immersion, a free Google Chrome extension that aims to do precisely this – make the language immersion process as simple as opening an article on the internet.

You can select from one of sixty-four languages supported by Google Translate that you’re interested in learning, Also, you can select your level of immersion from the choices of “Novice,” “Intermediate,” and “Fluent.”

It’s an effortless process. The extension translates random words in the online material you’re reading. If you don’t understand the foreign translation, you can highlight the words to put them back in your native language.

The best part: If you hover over the translated words, then you’ll hear them pronounced by a native speaker.

Here’s an example of how the words changed in the Lifehack article, “People With Autism Are More Creative, Research Finds”:

chrome extension screenshot

Before you think Language Immersion will solve all your language learning problems, keep in mind that native speakers don’t translate the text; as a result, particular phrases sound strange because they’re translated literally.

Still, language experts including Aaron Meyers of Everyday Language Learner said the extension is perfect for people who are both too busy and lazy for the standard language learning process.

After taking numerous Spanish classes throughout college, I forgot most of what I’ve learned over the last couple of years since graduating. And in only a couple of weeks of using this slick language tool, I’ve revived a significant amount of my Spanish speaking skills.

Also, it’s more important than ever to learn a second language because the world is becoming more of a streamlined global marketplace. With only one in four Americans able to speak a second language, knowing two, and especially three, can give you the competitive edge in the workforce.

If you’re looking for an easy introduction back into learning languages, then this Chrome extension is perfect. It’s even better if you’re an avid online reader because the more text you read, the more opportunity you have to improve your language skills.

It’s time you take your first steps into learning another language or to better the language skills you already have. And Language Immersion just might be the tool to remind you that learning another language can be for everyone.

The post This Google Chrome Extension Will Boost Your Language Learning Effectively appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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