
quarta-feira, outubro 21, 2015

Research Says Intelligent People Stay Up Late, Have More Sex And Do More Drugs


What kind of people do you think of when you think about intelligent people?

Most people think of legendary brainiacs like Albert Einstein. The well-behaved scientist is often held up as the most iconic example of an intelligent person. But Albert Einstein was more than just a researcher and intelligent people are more than just clever. New research shows that there are other traits commonly possessed by intelligent people.

In fact, some research suggests that your favorite genius partakes in plenty of activities that are not expected of them. It turns out that some of the smartest people in society are more likely to do more drugs and have more sex than those with lower IQs.

But what draws the link between the local whiz kid and a penchant for after hours fun? Read on to learn more about the correlation between sex, drugs and the Science Bowl.

Smart People Stay Up Late

Personality and Individual Differences recently published a study that suggested that people with higher IQs have different circadian rhythms to their average peers. The circadian rhythm manages your sleep cycle. While most people prefer to sleep at night and work during the day, some geniuses prefer to stay up late.

The study published included the analysis of around 20,000 people. It demonstrated that both adults and children with high IQs went to sleep later and woke up later than people with lower IQs.

What does this mean for the intelligent ones among us?

It means that if you just cannot force yourself to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, don’t sweat it too much. Active minds prefer to stay awake and this is not always a bad thing. Instead of forcing yourself to sleep with pills, use this extra awake time to be creative.

Smart People Favor Drug Use

In a modern world where people are constantly told that drugs are stupid, it seems strange that those with IQs might naturally gravitate towards using illicit substances.

This is especially true when most people consider their own personal experiences. Too often, the person in your life who uses and abuses drugs and alcohol has a far lower IQ than the norm.

But it seems that the opposite is the truth. Instead, people who have had a high IQ most of their life are more interested in psychoactive drugs.

A report published in Psychology Today suggests that it does not matter what background a person comes from. If they are intelligent, they are far more likely to participate in experimenting with hallucinogens than those with lower IQs.

Amphetamines, LSD and magic mushrooms are all drugs that are more likely to be used by someone who is above average intelligence.

Like night owl tendencies, drug use is linked with intelligence levels. But being smart is not the greatest factor in determining whether people do drugs. It also comes down to access and socio-economic background as well.

Smart People Have More Sex

Just when you thought that brainy nerds never got any, scientists have proved this idea all wrong.

One of the biggest threats wielded against intelligent people is the threat that they will never have sex as long as they continue to be smart. This is merely a playground taunt that is used to humiliate those whose intelligence threatens others.

Recent research in the UK found that students who studied at Oxford and Cambridge spent more money on sex objects and toys than students at lower ranked universities- something that was noted previously by dating guru Vin DiCarlo.

It is important to note that students who are admitted to these top institutions are not only hard workers but often naturally intelligent people. In fact, Oxford purposely seeks out exceptionally intelligent people to add to its ranks.

So is there a link between having a high IQ and an equally high sex drive?

Well, this research demonstrated that students at top tier universities are certainly interested in sex. But is it because of their intelligence?

The answer is maybe. Students who are expected to perform at high levels have equally high levels of stress. It is possible that these students have found that sex is a great stress reliever. That it does not offer the negative physiological consequences that a hangover can cause is a bonus too.

Additionally, some students noted that while their institutions were steeped in history and tradition, schools like Oxford and Cambridge are progressive in the area of sexuality. Some students interviewed in the report said that the liberal sexual culture encouraged them to experiment with their own sexuality.

It is important to note that being intelligent does not mean a person is more likely to have wild, amphetamine fueled sex in the middle of the night. Instead, it is possible that the creativity and natural curiosity harbored by many intelligent people can manifest itself in unexpected ways.

Featured photo credit: Alexandra Xubersnak via

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