
quinta-feira, outubro 15, 2015

How To Make The Perfect Red Velvet Brain Halloween Cake (8 pics)

Halloween is normally thought of as a time for candy, but it can be a time for cake as well. If you're going to be baking a cake for Halloween this year, you can't go wrong with the red velvet brain cake.

Carve your deep red velvet cake into a brain shape
Shower it in simple syrup. Gotta keep that brain fresh and moist!

Roll your fondant into ropes, and twizzle it into brain tissue. Yes, twizzle is the technical term

Cover your Brain Cake in raspberry jam. Get in all the nooks and crannies. Don’t be afraid to splatter

Invite your undead friends over for a feast

Bonus points if you eat your Brain Cake with your hands. Zombies aren’t so good with forks!

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