
domingo, outubro 25, 2015

From Victoria Secret To Kora Organics: How Miranda Kerr Transformed Herself From A Model To An Entrepreneur

Miranda Kerr

From a small farm in Australia to the world’s stage as the coveted Angel! Meet Miranda Kerr – Victoria Secret’s first Australian Angel at the age of 22. She was reportedly the second highest paid model at VS a few years ago. Miranda grew up on a farm in Australia completely ignorant of the world of modeling. It was by chance that a friend entered her in a modeling contest at the age of 13 and she won. Kerr has never looked back since then. She started out slowly in the modeling profession, but here she is now rocking the modeling world. From a super model to a mom to a savvy business woman, Miranda seems to have it all and do it all! Not to mention, she is just 32!

How does she do it all, one can’t help but wonder.

She transitioned from modeling, to opening her own line of organic skincare products as an entrepreneur. Her line called Kora Organics is made from organic ingredients to address a wide range of skin concerns. Her foray into the skin care world arose out of her own need. She was not happy with the chemicals in the skincare products she used on herself. And decided to look into creating her own line without chemicals. She worked on it for four years with her organic pharmacist. Out of the results of the hard labor was born the Kora line, made from certified organic ingredients.

There are a few valuable lessons to learn from Kerr’s journey.

  • If you are thinking of setting up your own business but struggling to figure out what product or service to offer, do what Kerr did – solve a need or problem that you have personally! You have the best insight into the problem and you will strive to find the best solution as well! Since you are emotionally vested in the problem, you will ensure that your service eliminates the same pain for others. Facebook was started in a similar fashion. Mark Zuckerberg created a social network to connect with fellow students in Harvard. It soon expanded to other colleges and now literally connects the world!
  • During the solutioning phase of your product/service, draw upon your own experiences to identify a possibly unique solution. In Kerr’s case, she was introduced to the potent Noni fruit at the age of 12 by her grandmother. Touted as one of the super foods, Noni has 170 vitamins and minerals! Ever since, Noni juice has been a consistent part of her diet and skincare. Kerr uses Noni in her product line as well. Steve Jobs is a perfect example of this principle. The Apple products that Steve created were designed with his touch and flair. His obsessiveness about clean and simple has led to world-class products like the Mac,iPhone, iPad.
  • Juggling her own company, her work and her family has helped Miranda better her time management skills. She is involved in the day-to-day operations of her company. Know your priorities in every area of your life. Structure your time to meet those priorities. Planning and scheduling even the minutest of things has helped Miranda. She plans and schedules every hour of her day and trusts her phone to remind her to call her mom or grand mom because she has already scheduled it in. Julie Morgenstein, author of Time Management from the Inside Out, recommends planning your schedule 3 days ahead.
  • Kerr is not only passionate about her own product line but is also committed to raising awareness about using organic products and ingredients. She blogs about all things organic and more on her Spread the Light blog. As an entrepreneur, as you build your products and services, it is essential to share your passion with others. Think about how your knowledge and expertise can benefit others and share it.

In the midst of being a supermodel, a mom and a business woman, Miranda has also found time to author 2 self-improvement books – Treasure Yourself and Empower Yourself. Kerr is a strong believer in the saying “Change your thought to change your life.” She advocates embracing forgiveness, saying ‘thank you’ and choosing one’s emotions.  When she is feeling low or down, she jumps up and down and thinks of everything she is grateful for. She would like to start a ‘Jumping for Joy’ movement to help others snap out of their negative emotions.

A spiritual person by choice, a certified health and wellness coach and advocate, super model and business woman by profession and above all a mom – multifaceted Miranda Kerr is a force to reckon with!

Featured photo credit: Discutivo via

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