
quarta-feira, outubro 21, 2015

8 Small Things To Do Every Morning To Make You Mentally Strong


We all admire mentally strong people. We may not openly express how we feel about them but we do appreciate their courage every now and then. In the real sense, they have been able to set their boundaries and wouldn’t compromise their joys and strengths for anyone or anything in the world. They are focused and have a laser vision of where they want to be. To be mentally strong though means you must have psyched yourself up and prepared your mindset or mental awareness. Every morning, to be mentally strong, you have to do these things.

Have a set goal in mind

It is hard to get anything done or stay mentally strong when you are disorganized or unfocused on what to do. Mentally strong people have an established goal in mind that they have to accomplish for the day. The morning is the best time to focus on what needs to be done and decide not to waste time with things that do not matter or direct them towards your goals for the day.

Remind yourself of your values

There is no point in comparing yourself to competition. Although this may be tempting it can have a dent on your self-worth. Every morning to remain mentally strong, you need to know what you stand for and what you don’t stand for. Living according to your values sets the tone for being mentally strong.

Express gratitude

There is always something to be thankful for. Truthfully, you cannot be at your best if you are always insisting that you deserve better. Look at where you are coming from and do not simply acknowledge the things that you already have, also learn to be grateful for them. Whether they are big or small, use every morning to express gratitude for the things that you already have.

Hope for the best

It takes optimism to retain mental strength. You cannot simply give in to being negative about the things you want to accomplish. Focus on the best and expect it. Being optimistic sort of gives you an inner calm and awakening that things will eventually work in your favor. Thus you are not drained mentally but sustained through the positivity that dwells from within you.

Reflect on the progress you have made

No one can say he/she has not achieved anything in life. Whether through knowledge gained or experience attained or through the relationships that have been built, there is actually something that you can cherish and has made you better than the person you once was. Learn to reflect at the progress you have made, appreciate the moments, the good times and be excited about them.

Stay in tune with your surrounding

I personally take a walk and have a feel of nature every morning. I use these periods to clear my thoughts and focus on the possibilities. With these periods I can also clear out any negative energy within. I stay in tune with my surrounding, observing it, appreciating it, learning from it, and sometimes even absorbing the positive vibe from it.

Do something that gladdens your heart

Engage in something that gladdens your heart. It could be reading a book, cooking a decent meal or engaging in an interesting mind or physical activity. Engaging in something that gladdens your heart improves your self-worth, brightens your mood and prepares you for an interesting day’s work.

Focus on the present

As much as you want to dilly-dally or fantasize about the future or reminisce about the past, the present is where you are. Positioning yourself to be mentally strong means you are willing to make every moment of the present count. You want to act now. There is really no point in trying to get stuck in the past or trying to daydream about the future. To be mentally strong you really have to acknowledge the reality of where you are right now and act upon it.

Featured photo credit: via

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