
domingo, outubro 18, 2015

7 Things About Relationship I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self


Every relationship comes with a challenge. Growing up and trying to make the best out of relationships was hard. Sometimes it was about taking. Other times it was about giving. Truthfully being in a relationship meant so much when we were younger, we just wanted to be part of the process and dating someone may have been ideal since everyone was doing it.

Looking back or reflecting on the pictures of me being together with some of my dates, there are things I wouldn’t do or do now. Growing up has thought me what relationships truly mean and here are some things I have learned along the way that I would have been happy to share with my younger self about relationships.

An individual’s physical appearance really doesn’t amount to much

At first the physical attraction could be powerful and all you may think of is the person’s eyes, body and smile. But then what contributes to a stable and committed relationship is never the looks of the other person. There are many other facets you should consider in the other person before proceeding with the relationship. Ask yourself if the other person is an excellent communicator or if the other person can relate with your goals and shares your values.

Every relationship is unique

Don’t expect every relationship you enter to be similar to your past relationship. Every relationship is unique. And yes they can be amazingly beautiful. You should understand that when you share your world with someone you create a whole new world of bliss and magic that sorts of entwine you with each other every time.

True love exists

There could be times when you are heartbroken and you could give in to doubts that being in love is a mirage or an illusion. But you should not be negative about every relationship you enter. Yes true love does exist. But it requires some hard work and effort on your part. You have to nurture every relationship and work hard to make love happen.

You can’t be deserving of love if you do not love yourself

Before you can faithfully express love to anyone you have to experience it with yourself. Many people do not understand the importance of this but growing up I found out that I have to gentle on myself and make time for activities that make me feel alive. If you can show yourself unconditional love and compassion it will be easier to navigate through the tides of any relationship.

Always learn to reveal who you really are

Communication is a key to the success of any relationship. Honesty grilled with this communication helps in a lot of cases. You should be expressive in a relationship. You should not hide who you are or try to hide your character behind a heavy mask. The people who we fall in love with the most are those who express their truest self, their passions, fears, dreams funny habits and quirks.

There really are different languages of love

Show your partner what love is. Let them feel it. We all have different ways which we accept love. It could be through being helped out, through touching and affection, the simplicity of your company or being helped out. It is your duty growing up to learn how to speak the different languages of love.

Be willing to be the giver in every relationship

Do not waltz into relationships because you want to receive. Giving is very important to the success of any relationship. Learn to appreciate the other person. When you give to them there is something that is joyful about it. It is a way of feeling someone else’s happiness and making it as your own. Jump on opportunities to make them smile, laugh and feel fulfilled.

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