
sexta-feira, outubro 16, 2015

7 Inspiring TED Talks That’ll Help You Get Through Difficult Times


Are you facing adversities and in need of positive messages to help you get through difficult days? All of us have to deal with feelings of failure, loneliness, and blah-ness. Sometimes we lack focus, calmness or positivity.

I’m excited to pass on the following 7 TED Talk videos that are both comforting and inspiring. TED Talks motivate the viewer to take action to make a change in their lives.

During difficult times, we might feel confused and unclear about how to move ahead. Taking a time out for some Ted Talks is a positive step forward.

Try one of the following and be inspired today!

1. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you could benefit from using this “10 Minutes a Day” technique.

This is a great 10-minute video from Andy Puddicombe explaining the necessity for keeping the mind healthy. His positive technique involves doing absolutely nothing for 10 minutes each day. Simple, eh?

The benefits are huge. You’ll experience a greater sense of calmness in your life, particularly if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Andy contrasts his positive technique with the negative ways people often handle being overwhelmed. These include burying yourself in work or taking medication.

You can’t change every little thing that happens to you in life.  However, after listening to Andy, you’ll know how to change the way you handle life’s experiences.

2. If you’re feeling like a failure, you might be ready to learn this important key to success.

In this 6 minute video, Angela Duckworth explains her view that the key to success isn’t necessarily being smart. Her message, backed by her own research, focuses on having grit. That’s her key ingredient for success.

Angela suggests that it’s okay to fail or to be wrong. Failure isn’t a permanent situation. Simply start over again—but this time, be gritty.

3. If you’re feeling alone, you could try clarifying what is most meaningful in your life.

Candy Chang gives a brief talk about what life meant to her after she lost someone she loved dearly. She realized she wasn’t alone when she conducted an experiment. She asked many people the question, “Before I die I want to … ” and received some thought-provoking answers.

Have you thought about what is most meaningful in your life? Just refuse to let day-to-day pressure dominate your life. You’ll find you have time for friendship and community involvement. That lonely feeling will be lessened.

Be inspired by Candy’s account of her creative community activity. It’s a video of reflection and contemplation and how thinking about death clarifies life.

4. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, you’ll probably enjoy following this 30-Day Challenge technique.

In this TED talk, Matt Cutts details his special technique—the 30 Day Challenge—guaranteed to move anyone out of the rut they’re in. Matt challenges you to make small, sustainable changes to your life. You’ll build self-confidence through achieving the changes you make.

Follow Matt’s ideas to make your moments more memorable. It’s true, as Matt says, that if you really want something badly enough, 30 days gives a reasonable time frame within which to accomplish your goal. It would, don’t you agree?

Well, take on Matt’s challenge and move ahead from today. This 3 minute video should bring lots of positive results with it. Well, what are you waiting for?

5. If you’re feeling stressed, you might find the key you’ve been looking for to unlock your feelings.

In this 10 minute video, Tara Igoe shares how she found her way back from the darkest period of her life. She views stress as a trigger to start thinking deeply about our feelings, so we understand them more.

Follow Tara’s steps to unlocking your feelings and free yourself from the grip of stress.

Do you always experience stress and anxiety as negative situations? Instead, find freedom by viewing these feelings as opportunities for transformation.

You’ll find this video enlightening as it brings a different angle to coping with stress.

6. If you’re feeling negative, you can focus on the good things in your life to bring that smile back.

Alison Ledgerwood gives a thought-provoking talk about changing from a negative to a positive frame of mind. She admits that making such a change isn’t easy.

Why does failure stick in our minds longer than success? Alison answers this question and others.

What can you take away from this talk? You’ll leave being more aware of why negatives tend to stick in the mind. With this knowledge, you can use Alison’s quick way of changing negative feelings into happy ones.

Adopt this simple idea that will make you smile.

7. If you’re feeling blah, you can lift your spirits quickly by marveling at the music created by this young violinist.

Are you feeling blah or very ordinary about your life just now? Let Sirena Huang, a brilliant 11-year-old violinist, work her magic on you.

This is a feel-good TED Talk. You’ll relax as you marvel at her performance. It’s obvious that Sirena loves playing her instrument. You’ve probably heard the saying that music is food for the soul. Well, prepare yourself for the beauty of the music that this young person creates to feed your soul.

You’ll be amazed at how uplifted you’ll feel.

If you’re facing adversities, I hope you’ve found comfort and inspiration from viewing the above TED Talk videos. They contain many actionable ideas that can lift you up from even your darkest moments. So try some of these to put a smile back on your face. Hopefully they’ll transform your pain into purpose.

Featured photo credit: Andy Puddicombe All it takes is 10 mindful minutes via

The post 7 Inspiring TED Talks That’ll Help You Get Through Difficult Times appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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