
sábado, outubro 17, 2015

60 Things for Your Bucket List Other than Getting Married


It seems like the dreams of many involve wanting to get a great job, get married, and have kids. We are so caught up in the many conventional tricks and doings of this world that we never stop to learn and discover through the simple and unconventional interests of our world. This is where a bucket list comes in. There is splendor in abundance only if we took the time to catch a breath and appreciate other pursuits and interests that could also fill us with happiness and excitement.

Our goals in life are mostly framed within a certain social context. However you can create or aspire to pursue things that can open up this context. It is simply in looking beyond the closest image and setting your sight at anything and everything you wanted to do.

Open your heart to the joys and thrills that could be attained even in activities on your bucket list that have nothing to do with gaining a job or getting married. At the end of the day you can look back at the past and nurture a memorable thought when you go after these 60 things that have nothing to do with marriage and having kids (but you can do with or without these things).

“Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” – William Ross

  1. Learn a new language.
  2. Go skiing.
  3. Climb a mountain.
  4. Connect with past teachers and tutors.
  5. Go on a road trip with friends.
  6. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
  7. Offer a heartfelt surprise to someone.
  8. Be a mentor someone.
  9. Do a kind deed and do not expect anything in return.
  10. Sing to an audience.
  11. Start your own business.
  12. Swim under a waterfall.
  13. Pursue your dream, whatever that may be.
  14. Fly in a hot air balloon.
  15. Volunteer in a way and give back to the world!
  16. Make a difference in someone’s life.
  17. Google yourself.
  18. Leave a note for a total stranger.
  19. Take a drive to an unplanned destination.
  20. Walk or dance barefoot in the rain.
  21. Experience a sunrise and a sunset — maybe in the same day.
  22. Plant a tree and either nurture it or watch it grow.
  23. Publish a book.
  24. Host a cocktail party.
  25. Befriend a stranger.
  26. Speak in front of a thousand people.
  27. Match-make for your friends.
  28. Learn how to dance.
  29. Learn how to play a violin, a guitar, a piano or any musical instrument.
  30. Give your lunch to someone who is homeless and hungry.
  31. Give blood to someone who needs it.
  32. Get a drink for a stranger.
  33. Witness a solar eclipse.
  34. Run barefoot.
  35. Have your fortune read.
  36. Backpack and set off to a location you have never visited.
  37. Be an actor, whether in a self-produced flick or otherwise.
  38. Live in another country for at least six months.
  39. Read a book on an abstract subject you’ve always wanted to know more about.
  40. Live through four seasons of the year in one particular location.
  41. Cook a meal for your loved ones.
  42. Take a walk into the heart of nature.
  43. Knit a scarf.
  44. Connect with an individual or company that you adore and thank them for their service/product/what they do.
  45. Reach out and volunteer at a hospice.
  46. Bake a cake for someone special.
  47. Fly a kite.
  48. Fall asleep on a grassy plain.
  49. Practice some meditation.
  50. Attempt a vegan diet.
  51. Get brave, prepare for, then face and conquer your biggest fear.
  52. Adopt a rescue pet.
  53. Donate some of your hair for cancer.
  54. Invest in the stock market.
  55. Teach kids.
  56. Learn a new skill.
  57. Disconnect from the world around you for a week. Switch off your phone and tablet and spend some quality time with yourself and the people around you.
  58. Do something that does not represent who you are, at least for once act stupid and don’t act too serious.
  59. Try a delicacy you have never eaten before.
  60. Go on a romantic getaway.

So here you have 60 things you can do apart from getting married and getting a good job. Now which one sounds most appealing to you? At least that could be worth a try in the next two days?

Featured photo credit: via

The post 60 Things for Your Bucket List Other than Getting Married appeared first on Lifehack.

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