
terça-feira, outubro 27, 2015

5 Reasons Why Hardworking People Are More Blessed (And Luckier)


Luck is such a lovely word and we would all like a piece of it every now and then. But what if I told you that luck doesn’t exist? The problem with society, and more importantly the media, is that we only tend to see the finished product. We see musical artists come out of nowhere, or we see a blog post go viral via a ‘lucky’ retweet; however what doesn’t get shown is all the groundwork that has been done behind the scenes leading up to this pivotal moment.

“It takes 20 years to become an overnight success” – Eddie Cantor

Whether you have noticed it already or not, individuals who tend to be blessed and luckier carry with them a unique work-ethic. You may only see the outcome of their success, but what goes on behind the scenes may make you question what it truly means to ‘work-hard’. You may have previously questioned why certain individuals seem to possess more luck than you. However, the fact is that these individuals have created each and every opportunity by following a precise process — and there is nothing stopping you from reaping these same benefits.

Instead of hating on these so called ‘blessed’ ones, let’s congratulate them — and analyze how these individuals achieve their luck:

1. They Never Stand Still

“You won’t go anywhere standing still”

A cliche, yes. The truth? Even more so. Hardworking individuals are always on the move — and that doesn’t always mean physically. These types of individuals are always thinking and always trying to position themselves in the right places so that they don’t miss opportunities. Being in the right place at the right time may seem lucky to most. But remember that every decision a person makes up until that point is a choice.

2. They Remain Positive at All Times

Luck is most definitely seen as something positive, but what people often forget is all the hard times leading up to that moment. Hardworking individuals will never give up, even when times our tough. When in search of success (whatever that may be for you), there is no doubt you will approach some hurdles along the way. But it’s how you respond to them that defines your future success. Hardworking individuals will never say, ‘I’m so unlucky’. Instead, they accept that problems are part of the process and swiftly move on so they don’t miss the next opportunity, which is just around the corner.

While others worry about what went wrong, these individuals are already seeking their next chance.

3. They Aren’t Afraid to Fail

It’s one thing being positive when things go wrong. But way before that, you mustn’t be afraid of failing. Hardworking individuals seem to have no fear when seeking opportunities.

When was the last time you did something that scared you? I don’t mean going and getting the latest Halloween costume. I’m talking about doing something new for the first time or calling someone you don’t know to arrange a business meeting. Hardworking individuals get out of their comfort zone on a daily basis and it doesn’t have to relate to the thing you are doing. Think of a professional athlete, such as a weightlifter. They fail hundreds of times before finally breaking a world-record. If they were afraid to even try to lift a heavy weight, then they would have never reached the heights that they did. These individuals understand that by consistently putting themselves through pain and sacrifice, they will grow at a much greater pace and attract more opportunities. Hardworking individuals aren’t afraid of making mistakes — because when they do, it just means they’re one step closer to finding the correct solution.

“I haven’t failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” – Thomas Edison

4. They Have a WHY

Hardworking individuals don’t just work hard for no reason. They have a clear purpose for why they are willing to sacrifice all the time and effort for results that aren’t guaranteed, and this is called their ‘WHY’.

You’ve probably heard it before but your WHY is what’s going to separate you from the average Joe. Individuals that seem to have a lot of luck only attract such opportunities because they are willing to do what others are not. Many individuals have enough motivation to attract some opportunities but motivation will only take you so far; in contrast, hard-working individuals have a lifelong purpose that they believe in and will do anything they possibly can to make it a reality. For this very reason, these individuals won’t just seek instant results and won’t cave in when things don’t go their way. Their purpose is far greater than any materialistic thing, which is why they will continue to attract more opportunities day-in and day-out.

5. They Show Up…Every Day

If there were two words that could be used to advise every young person growing up, it would be these two: Show up.

Show up! It’s a simple distinction between someone who would like success compared to someone who is so desperate for success that they can’t even put it into words. Hardworking individuals show up, not just for one or two days; they show up every single day and it’s for that very reason they are blessed and lucky. There will be some days they are tired or don’t feel up to it but they will still give 100%. What people forget to realise is that your 100% will change, but as long as you give your 100% for that day, then any external factors won’t matter because you have done everything you possibly could.

‘Unlucky’ individuals tend to give up when they don’t feel at their best and will wait until tomorrow; but, unfortunately, opportunities don’t wait around. To ‘show up’ means to be present in every single moment. It means to be available so that the universe knows you are ready to receive opportunities. If you can only do one of these five points, then please let it be this one. Individuals who are hardworking forget about the past and what isn’t happening, and focus only on what IS happening at this very moment — because at the end of the day, that’s all ‘Luck’ cares about too.

Instead of hating on individuals that seem to attract more luck than others, maybe we could learn a thing or two by studying them. Luck doesn’t have to be unique to certain individuals. Adopt as many of these five traits of hardworking individuals as possible and you will soon be attracting more opportunities in your daily life. I look forward to seeing your goals become a reality.

Featured photo credit: VIKTOR HANACEK via

The post 5 Reasons Why Hardworking People Are More Blessed (And Luckier) appeared first on Lifehack.

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