
quinta-feira, outubro 22, 2015

5 Introversive Moments Of An Extrovert That You Might Not Realize


Although an introverted personality is the polar opposite of an extrovert, each personality has some characteristics that a common. According to, “Being outgoing and outspoken doesn’t equate to being an extrovert. Being shy and reserved doesn’t equate to being an introvert. There are a lot of outgoing introverts and there are a lot of shy extroverts.” here is no such thing as pure introvert or pure extrovert.

There are times where even the most extroverted of people will exhibit signs of being introverted. With this in mind, here are the most common times where an extrovert may act introverted.

1. You like quiet encouragement

“Well done is better than well said.” Benjamin Franklin

They enjoy giving quiet, sincere encouragement without causing too much attention. Yet at times, if they see a fellow coworker who has done a really great job, they might whisper to them, “Good job”. In this instance, they have given them quiet encouragement.

Most times, introverts may be considered to be more low key yet very encouraging. A low key introvert can be far more encouraging and effective than the charismatic, dynamic extrovert  For extroverts, they have a tendency to wait until private moments to give encouragement. It’s really great thing to share encouragement and the more creative they are with their encouragement, the more impactful it will be.


2. You believe in inspired action

“Inspirations never go in for long engagements; they demand immediate marriage to action.” Brendan Francis

Extroverts like to get things done; and extroverts like to be inspired into action. On the other hand, sometimes you have to inspire or “light a fire” to an introvert to encourage them to take action. However with extroverts, they like taking action quickly as they are being inspired.

Inspired action for extroverts means that they will see something that needs to be done and if it is beneficial to them, they will usually do it. They are normally inspired when they can get attention. Case in point, if the boss really wants an extrovert to take action, give kudos to the extrovert. It would help move the task along regardless if the kudos is private or public, it will still inspire action from the extrovert.

5 introvertive moments for extroverts2

3. You spend time on intense thinking

“Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live.” ~Sébastien-Roch Nicolas

Extroverts have a tendency, as do introverts, to do intense thinking regarding life issue. It’s the outcome of the thinking which makes them different. As an extrovert, after intense thinking, they normally take action quickly or act while thinking.

An example of intense thinking about a life issue could be whether to change jobs if a better offer comes along. For an extrovert, even though would spend time thinking about the job offer, they will take action quicker to make the change. It would be seen as them making an improvement in their life and job status.

5 introvertive moments for extroverts

4. You are judgmental at times

“We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals; others, by their acts. ~Harold Nicolson

They are judgemental which can also be seen as an introversive moments. Even though introverts have a tendency to internalize when they are judging others, it’s still there. With an extrovert, they have a tendency to be external with their judging by taking actions that is showing that they are being judgemental.

For example, an extrovert may see someone being treated wrong. The will judge the situation, figure out if they need to help or get help and then they will quickly take action. They would most like be the man who will run into a burning building even though he’s not a firefighter to save someone.

5 introvertive moments for extroverts

5. You rely on intuition

“Success will never be a big step in the future, success is a small step taken just now.” Jonatan Mårtensson

They are intuitive and believe in seeing past what’s in front of them. When it comes to being intuitive, extroverts and introverts both exhibit this characteristic too. So, when an extrovert challenges change via intuition, they expect something to happen that will lead to a conclusion they expect. In cases where the conclusion is different from their expectation, they will adjust and keep moving forward.

5 introvertive moments for extroverts

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