
sábado, outubro 10, 2015

10 Things That Are So True If You’re A Picky Eater

10 Things That Are So True To Picky Eaters

Are you a picky eater? Picky eaters have it hard; people are always trying to force them to eat food they don’t like, and eating out a restaurant can be the most stressful part of their day.

Check out 10 things you will be able to relate to if you are a picky eater.

1. You were told as a child that certain foods would give you superpowers

Now you know that carrots won’t help you to see in the dark, but your parents were willing to do anything to get you to eat your dinner as a child. You’re still slightly annoyed that you ate something you didn’t like for super powers that never materialized.

2. You are used to being judged for your eating habits

There’s only one thing you have more than mushrooms; people judging you for disliking them. People just seem to struggle to understand that you don’t like the exact same food as them – and you struggle to understand why they would like mushrooms.

3. People regularly try to force you to eat foods you don’t like

This is particularly annoying because you’ve already tried the food multiple times – that’s how you reached the conclusion that you don’t like eating it. It makes you feel quite bad because they really want you to like it, but you just can’t help being a picky eater.

4. Your parents told you you would stop being a picky eater when you became an adult

Throughout your childhood, your parents, grandparents and teachers told you that when you grew up you would like most foods. This may have actually been the first lie you were ever told, because you still hate gherkins to this day.

5. You regularly mistrust food

As a child, your parents tried anything they possibly could to get you to eat the foods you hated. Their main tactic was hiding the food in sauces or stews, and now you mistrust anything soupy, and you always read the ingredients before you mistakenly ingest some broccoli.

6. Going out for meals is a real struggle

It’s your best friend’s birthday, and she can’t wait to go out for a meal at the new Greek restaurant you two heard about. Once you arrive, you realize you don’t like any of the food on the menu. So you have to requested a personalized meal, and you swear you can hear the cooks in the kitchen talking about how annoying it is to serve a picky eater.

7. Sometimes you eat meals you hate

You asked for no mayo on your sandwich, but there it is. If you feel confident enough you will send the food back, but most of the time you just try to deal with and eat around the mayo – or wipe it out of your sandwich with a napkin.

8. People are weirdly proud when they get you to eat something without realizing

You don’t always trust your friend’s cooking, as they are always trying to sneak in things you don’t like. If they succeed and you don’t realize, they are always super smug about it. They talk about how you must like it while you run to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

9. You have faked an allergy before

If you tell someone you don’t like something, they might try to get you to eat it or judge you for your eating habits. So – just once or twice – you have told someone you have an allergy to something you don’t like to avoid the questioning.

10. You used to fear eating dinner at your friend’s house as a child

You never knew what their parents would cook for you, but you knew they would be mad if you didn’t eat it. You always tried to eat whatever they cooked, and you felt awful whenever you just couldn’t. Most of the time you would just invite your friend to your house instead, so you could make sure you were eating something you liked.

The post 10 Things That Are So True If You’re A Picky Eater appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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