
domingo, setembro 06, 2015

Tiny Threats In Your Home


They say your home is your castle. That might be true, but there are always tiny intruders, hidden in the most unexpected places.They can easily make your life intolerable if you do not eliminate them before they influence your life. We do not want to let that happen, so here is a list of hidden tiny threats in your home you might have underestimated or ignored before.

1. Allergens

Allergens are everywhere. If you do not feel well, it might turn out that they are the ones to blame. Have you been sneezing and coughing for quite a while without any visible causes? Perhaps you should blame the dust mites that hide in your bedroom, right inside the mattresses and pillows. Or your fluffy cat, for carrying around animal dander. Not to mention, the mold from moisture or food allergens can be dangerous for your health as well. If you simply keep your apartment (or house) clean and dust-free, you might suddenly realize that your physical state turns out to be much better than before. If you limit or stop the intake of food allergens, you will help your own body a great deal and start feeling in much better shape.

2. Bacteria

The second important hidden threat is, well, germs. Now, if certain allergens might be more dangerous to people with special conditions (for example, to ones with asthma), then germs are a threat to every single inhabitant of the household. If you wish to protect your loved ones, you better clean up all the places where most germs hide, at least every week – and that is not to mention grand cleanings every month. All you need is cleaner-disinfectant (either homemade or not) and lots of patience. It will pay off eventually. The members of your family begin to get ill much less than before, for their immune system will be strengthened thanks to your efforts.

3. Junk food

You might be wondering – how is junk food a tiny threat? Millions of people neglect the danger of savoring hot dogs and hamburgers instead of nourishing, healthy food. The temptation can be such a part of everyday life we might not even notice it. If your body slightly shifts its shape and you don’t like where it is all going, if your children refuse to eat anything but pizzas, candies and chips, if your loved one eats fast food during their working day and after it’s over, perhaps it’s high time to limit the consumption of the junk food in your home.

4. Electromagnetic waves

It’s hard to imagine our lives without laptops or cell phones. They are among the most useful inventions – we use them for work, education, entertainment and, of course communication. There is a computer and a cell phone in almost every household in developed countries nowadays. But the fact that these items are common does not mean that they are completely safe. They give off electromagnetic waves that might influence our health in a bad way by causing multiple illnesses, including cancer. It’s almost impossible to give up using these things nowadays – we need them for personal and work purposes. But you should at least try and limit the amount of time per day you spend on your laptop and talking on the mobile phone.
These tiny threats, waiting for you in your home, are all very different, but all can influence your life in an unpleasant way. Don’t just wait for the consequences to come – be smart, take your time and remove all of the dangers or make habit adjustments before they get to harm you and your loved ones.

Featured photo credit: Danger/Shawn Carpenter via

The post Tiny Threats In Your Home appeared first on Lifehack.

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