
quarta-feira, setembro 23, 2015

Heart Surgeon Calms Weeping 2-Year-Old Girl Before Heart Operation

Two-year-old “Xin Er” had a pre-existing heart condition and needed to have surgery at Zhejiang University Hospital, China, on September 18th. Terrified, she began to cry and was inconsolable until surgeon Shi Zhuo, Deputy Director of Cardiac Surgery, picked her up and showed her some cartoons on his phone. Anaesthetist Jin Ziying took these photos, and it is reported that the girl is recovering well.
“In reality, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a boy or a girl, they all get scared in the operating theatre,” Dr. Shi Zhuo said in a report by the Daily Mail. “As parents, we understand that the children are scared and can appreciate the worry of the family.”

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