
terça-feira, setembro 29, 2015

Dying Dog Found On Street Is Completely Transformed In Two Months

This sick dog was found by Indian organization Animal Aid Unlimited. It was suffering from mange, and clearly had had no human contact in a long time. They brought him to their shelter and tried to interest him in some food.
“He was so exhausted and inward.”
Animal Aid Unlimited hooked the dog up to an IV and treated his infections, and within ten days, his skin was healed. But the real transformation took place in the following weeks. When we finally see the dog again, two months later, he’s happy and fully healed!

This dog had mange and was starving and dehydrated

He was found on the side of the road in Udaipur, India

At first, he was afraid of human touch

But with gentle care and treatment he started to get better

After two months of intensive treatment his skin had healed and he was happy

Animal Aid Unlimited helped him get over his anxiety

The end result: a healthy dog, eager to live life!

You can watch his story in the video below:

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