
sábado, setembro 05, 2015

Don’t Miss The Chance: Why You Should Cherish The Girl Who Waits For You To Be Ready


You have to cherish a woman who sticks around when every other lady does not. Such are never in for the light stuff but something substantive and definitive. When a woman needs you she understands your depth, what you can become and somehow how ideal you will be for her future.

She believes and she is not scared. She has more to lose than you do. Yet she is willing to go the long haul. Even if it fails she is assured that she has given her goodness and purity to someone who should appreciate her. You should understand that happy endings could take a life time to create and she is willing to make that compromise.

The truth is that there are very few people in the world who would wait for anyone. Yet it is not about waiting, it is about believing. It is about knowing. With you she saw beauty, she saw a future, she saw a certainty.

Here are pertinent reasons why you should cherish a woman who believed and waited until you were ready.

She understands you

She certainly wouldn’t wait if she couldn’t relate and identify with you. Her reasons for sticking around must have stemmed from the knowledge that you are someone she can trust and make a future with. Such understanding is built on courage and figuring things out even before you made the proposition.

She is in love

She won’t be sticking around for so long if her affection doesn’t stem from something so deep and certain. She doesn’t have a passing or a sweeping emotion rather she has something real and authentic. Such waiting could define the fact that she will always be with you until the end of time because her feelings for you are consistent and stable.

She is patient

Patience is a virtue, a plus. She didn’t insist, she didn’t fight, she didn’t pound her way to making sure you did what she wanted. Rather she waited. She was sustained. She may have had other choices, but rather she looked nowhere else. She made you her only choice. And while she must have been pressured by doubts and by certain naysayers, she remained consistent with her emotions. Because there was no other person that could make her feel the same way as you did.

She is positive

Optimism like patience is another virtue. She delivered on her promise on finding tomorrow with you. She was certain that things would work out right for you. And whether she was wrong or right, that believe in you must have seen you through many odds and challenging moments when you even doubted yourself. Such positive wouldn’t just play in this moment, it will also play when you meet with future obstacles.

She is consistent

She was stable. She was solid. She was unshaken and such commitment to you and your future defines that she will always be around to the same with anything that you represent. She wouldn’t shake with fear or lose touch with something else or someone else and lose touch with why she always wanted to be with you.

She is courageous

Let us admit it, it takes some level of inner strength and mental power for her to get through with staying the long haul and waiting for you. It takes boldness, it takes ferocity, it takes strength and vigor to win with you. She must have a winning spirit and this could be necessary and essential to defining where you and her headed together.

There really is no reason for you to let go of a woman who waited for you to be ready. Don’t get lost or confused about it, being with such a lady is the best decision you can ever make, because they are diamond in a desert. And holding on to them may be the only thing you can have.

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The post Don’t Miss The Chance: Why You Should Cherish The Girl Who Waits For You To Be Ready appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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