
quarta-feira, setembro 09, 2015

A Multi-functional Greenhouse in Ethipia (15 Pics)

Grows food and collects water

Captures dew, fog and rain water - reserve it for irrigation throughout the year

The primary beneficiaries of this project are the women farmers who are the most disadvantaged people in the agricultural sector. Their income are very low and their land are usually much smaller than the average.

collect dew that forms on the plastic film when the temperature drops at night and is then collected by gutters

My wife and I moved to Gondar, Ethipia, last November to realize our dream in developing the greenhouse and support the farming community. Since then we have put everything we have into it.
We are now in Ethiopian highlands where farmers rely on rainfall to irrigate their crops.

The Construction

It's finished!
The plants are growing
Water is is being captured!
This is us

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