
terça-feira, setembro 29, 2015

7 Habits You Must Build To Be Wealthy


So, you want to be wealthy? That is definitely on the agenda for you. And yet, you are not quite there, are you? And you keep wondering when your time will come or maybe, you are beginning to think, you just won’t get there. Are you lacking something? Were you not born into the right family? Is there some trait you are just not aware of, yet? Why not you?

It gets like this at times, doesn’t it? The voice in your head gets a little louder and you begin to despair and wonder when your time is going to come. You are following the rules or so you think but maybe you are missing some of the habits. They seem too soft; they seem too unnecessary because you are looking for something solid to hang onto. A tip, a trick, a technique, a business hack that will turn everything around when you implement it but the truth is, my friend, that most of your success is going to come as a result of a few key habits that you implement and here is a starting point for you, if getting rich is to be a certainty in your life.

1. You Must Be Consistent

Too many wannabe wealthy people think that things have to work immediately, within three seconds, if they are ever going to work. So, they learn a new way to promote their business, they implement it for the said three seconds (a slight exaggeration!) and then they wait for the riches to pour in and then, nothing happens so they stop and change direction or quit.

Getting rich happens when you stay on path for a long period of time. It happens when you realise that it is the day in, day out consistent following of a plan that gets you to your goal. Regardless of what the media may say, there are no overnight successes, there is only someone who consistently put one foot in front of the other daily, with eyes focused on the goal for as long as it took to get where they set out to go.You can be that person, too.

2. You must have boundaries

How much of your time is currently spent satisfying the needs and desires of the people in your world who do not have the same mission as you? How much time do you spend (and I must be blunt) people-pleasing? So much time is spent by the vast majority of people, keeping everyone happy. And it is usually at the expense of their own dreams, their own calling and mission. If you do want to be wealthy then you need to build the habit of controlling the access that other people have to you and this matters whether they are loved ones or customers or whoever.

Of course, there will be varying levels of access with a few key intimate family or friend relationships but overall, understand you are on a mission and therefore, you cannot spend all your time trying to be liked. Your goal is to serve as many people as possible, not please them. So, be a person with boundaries.

3. You must get around like-minded people

How on earth are you going to create wealth and get rich if you and everyone around you is more likely to think that ‘lack’ is a normal way of life? Yes, you may have been brought up in an environment where most people lived a bland life. Yes, they may have assumed that they would get a job and stay in that job, just about getting by, until they died. However, if you have decided that you are going to get wealthy, then it is time to seek out a new crowd.

You become like the people you hang out with. So, again, in addition to having boundaries when it comes to certain people, dare to uplevel the relationships in your life. Choose to get around people who think it is normal to succeed. Let their thinking seep into your mind and heart and let it become your norm, too. You can be, do and have whatever you want and it helps to be surrounded by others who believe the same.

4. You must invest in your personal growth

Do you understand that you are your greatest asset? Whatever you invest in yourself, is not an expense, it literally is an asset and will continually produce results for you, time and time again. The books you read, the courses you attend, the coaching you get, all have the ability to accelerate your speed to becoming wealthy. Do not be one of those people who think that every teacher, coach, mentor out there is just trying to scam you. That is a poverty mindset. Every learning experience is just that, a learning experience. It is you, the student, who chooses what you take out of the experience. Implement Kaizen – the practice of continuous improvement.

5. You must get comfortable with being uncomfortable

If it were possible to be wealthy while doing only the things that come easy and are comfortable to you, then you would already be rich. Form a habit of expanding yourself. Form a habit of stretching yourself by taking on more things that you normally wouldn’t do. Of course, be wise about this but do not be content to remain the same, unchallenged and unprovoked. It gets you nowhere fast. Instead, choose to do the things that you avoid. Choose to try a whole lot of new things in order to see what will actually work for you.Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

6. You must get a journal

Yes, I am prejudiced about this. I think everyone should have a written journal – a place to record one’s thoughts, one’s desires, one’s crazy feelings and more. A safe place to peel off the layers and discover what is really going on beneath the hood. Yes, I do think you must have one. And more than that, you must get into the habit of writing in it daily, preferably during a form of quiet time first thing in the morning. I am being prescriptive, I know and yet, it will help you accelerate your personal growth. The daily routine of writing in the journal will keep you clear, keep you aware and keep you on track. The main key here is to raise your awareness. You cannot get rich and wealthy while living a passive, ‘whatever comes’, life. Get Deliberate.

7. You must believe you can do only what you love

A big obstacle for a lot of wannabe wealthy people is the thought that the only pathway to wealth is to be someone they don’t like, do things they don’t want to do and yes, they get to have it all but the cost seems too high. And, of course, it is. And yet, most of the people who do create vast amounts of wealth are not doing it while doing things they hate to do. There may be areas of their business that they dislike and mostly, they outsource those bits. Overall, those with true wealth enjoy their business and enjoy who they are. And for those who don’t, they tend to self-sabotage. We see this all the time in the media. To end this article, you must see that you always get what you expect to get, so if you expect wealth and getting rich to mean you must be someone you don’t like, you will not allow yourself to succeed.

Why not choose to believe and take actions that align with who you want to be as a rich, wealthy person? Little by little, stop doing the things you do not enjoy and begin doing more of what you love.

Choose to create a life and a business you want, because you can.

The post 7 Habits You Must Build To Be Wealthy appeared first on Lifehack.

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