
sexta-feira, setembro 18, 2015

7 Dating Habits All Mature Men Definitely Need To Leave Behind

Black and White TMAX 400036

Maturity demands an improvement in attitude and expectations. Perhaps when we were growing up we achieved certain goals by being immature. But when you’re a grown man approaching dating seriously, maturity demands that some habits just need to be thrown out the window. We want to be respectable, appealing, and the kind of person a future partner can be proud of. This is what maturity means.
When we improve our habits and mature, we are more likely to attract a great romantic relationship.

Here are 7 dating habits all mature men should definitely leave behind:

1. Having someone talk to the person you are interested in for you

This is so lame. If you like someone you need to go and reach out to that person for yourself. Let them know your feelings and that you are willing and ready to go. It is cowardly to have a friend or someone else take that bold move for you. It isn’t just a sign of maturity to be the one to tell the other person how you feel, it is also the responsible thing to do as it gives you the best chance to make the relationship work.

2. Pretending to be who you are not

You find someone and you like them so much that you decide to pretend to be like someone else, thinking this will make a great impression. The truth is that there is no point acting quiet, serious, and careful when you are an exuberant, humorous, and impulsive person. Dates should be an opportunity for you to give the other person a heads up on who you are- and that means being genuine, real, and authentic. If you are a Christian, Muslim, or Jewish, let the other person know. You are being respectful by presenting yourself honestly and maturely.

3. Letting your friends’ opinions determine who you date

Who you date is entirely up to you. You should know for yourself what you want from a possible partner. Rather than be indecisive about what actions you will take and inviting your friends to have a say on who you date, do the responsible thing and make decisions for yourself.

4. Discussing with others how your present relationship compares to other relationships you’ve had

Whether discussing how your relationship compares to your friend’s relationship, or how your current partner compares to past partners- making these kinds of comparisons is so lame. Every relationship is unique. Understanding this will leave you better prepared to handle the challenges that come with being in a relationship.

5. “I will wait 3 days to call”

Perhaps this was a rule you and your friends followed when you were younger. Perhaps you feel that you have to step back and wait some time after a date to show your feelings to the other person, because you don’t want to appear needy. The thing is that following this conventional rule may leave you looking immature. If you are mature you understand that there are no rules or regulations when it comes to calling or texting someone you are really interested in romantically.

6. Ignoring someone you went on a date with because you’re not interested

You go out on a date with someone and you find out that the person doesn’t meet your standards. Instead of being honest about your feelings toward the other person you just start ignoring their calls and messages. It isn’t respectful to just grow cold on someone. Burning bridges after a date is not maturity. It is best for you to be respectful and tell the other person you are not interested. This offers them information that will help them to move forward with finding a partner, rather than being stuck speculating  about what to make out of your complete silence following the date.

7. Secretly going through your partner’s phone

You may feel the other person is not telling you enough and getting the information you want is likely to be best achieved by going through their phone, email, or other password-protected accounts. Perhaps you did this while growing up and it gave you what you wanted to know once or twice. But maturity means showing trust, respect, and having the courage to love the other person even when you feel vulnerable.

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