
terça-feira, setembro 15, 2015

28 Bizarre Vending Machines From Around The World


Although not everyone shares Express Vending’s interest in vending machines, there is a whole world of bizarre and interesting vending machines out there that they have decided to share with us in their infographic: Vending The Rules.

When I think about vending machines, I picture the glass case brimming with packets of crisps and Mars bars that took up more than their fair share of my university break room. However, in China vending machines often dispense live crabs accompanied with vinegar and ginger tea, whilst machines in Singapore will dispense mashed potato.

Many of the world’s vending machines aren’t just used for food either. Dubai vending machines dispense gold bullions, machines in Munich will fulfill all of your LEGO needs and some Italian venders will provide you with jeans.

Check out the full infographic to see what bizarre and wonderful items you can get from vending machines around the world.

Vending Machines

Featured photo credit: Vending the Rules/Express Vending via

The post 28 Bizarre Vending Machines From Around The World appeared first on Lifehack.

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