
terça-feira, setembro 22, 2015

16 Personality Types And The Best Careers For Each One [Infographic]


When you were young, you most likely took a personality test that was supposed to tell you what you should do with the rest of your life. Of course, as you got older, your personality certainly changed from that which it was when you were nine years old, making the test results obsolete. However, the Myers Briggs personality test can most certainly pinpoint your strengths, weaknesses, and interests as an adult, and can definitely assist you in getting started on a career path that fits your personality.

You may already know which of the following categories you fall into, but have had a tough time deciding what you want to do with the rest of your life. If you’ve known since you were a child that you want to help others, you should read up on how to become a certified life coach, teacher, or social worker. If you’re the no-nonsense type, you would make a good C-level executive in a high-profile business, or be more comfortable in a military or police-related position. If you tend to come up with clever solutions to everyday problems, you could quite possibly have a booming career as an entrepreneur.

It’s incredibly important to be honest with yourself when deciding what career path to follow. It’s absolutely possible to sneak your way into a job that doesn’t necessarily fit your personality type and make a decent living without truly putting any effort into what you do. However, in doing so you would not only be wasting your God-given talents, but you’d also end up unhappy and unfulfilled. If you want to truly enjoy your life, take the time to find a job you love doing.


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