
sexta-feira, setembro 18, 2015

15 Struggles That Eternally Pale Girls Know Too Well

15 Struggles That Eternally Pale Girls Know Too Well

Are you a pale girl? Pale skin may be beautiful, but it can be pretty annoying too — the risk of burning, the costs of sunscreen, and the labors that come with fake tan. We may love our pale skin, but it isn’t always easy – check out these 15 struggles that eternally pale girls know all too well.

1. You Haven’t Experienced A Natural Tan

For others, spending time in the sun means a nice tan, but for you it just means freckles or burnt skin.

2. Your Experiences With Fake Tan Haven’t Been Great Either

Because you can’t get a natural tan, you’ve experimented with every possible fake tanner going. From self-tanners to spray tans to tanning tablets, you’ve tried it all. And most of it didn’t work – or it gave you stripy orange skin.

3. You Spend An Ungodly Amount Of Money On Sunscreen

For you, sunscreen is an essential purchase. You buy multiple bottles a year, and you spend every sunny day covered in high-SPF goop.

4. You Still Hate Sunscreen

Even when you buy the strongest sunscreen, you always miss a bit and end up with a sore, red patch – and that’s when the dreaded peeling starts.

5. You Often Feel Secretly Jealous Of Your Tanned Friends

Every time summer rolls around, all of your friends turn into tanned, summer goddesses – making you look even paler. Thanks, guys.

6. You Fear Being Embarrassed

Every time you get embarrassed, you blush – and your whole face turns a blotchy red. You can actually feel the warmth radiating off your face. Must the shame be so obvious?

7. You Turn Red After The Smallest Amount Of Exercise

Just running down the stairs to answer the door can result in your whole head turning as red as a tomato – it’s like your skin loves to embarrass you.

8. You Can’t Wear Anything Flesh Colored

Anything labelled “flesh-colored” tends to look a little strange on you. It is definitely not the same color as your skin, and the tights make your legs look around 4 shades darker than the rest of your body.

9. You Fear The Sun

You have a healthy respect for the sun – you know it can burn you, and if you sit outside for too long you’ll end up with a tan line from your outfit.

10. You’re Constantly Asked If You’re Coming Down With Something

No, I am not. But thank you for assuming my pale skin means I must be ill.

11. You Look Like A Member Of The Addams Family When You Wear Black

You love the color black, and you wish you could wear it more often, but you don’t always want to look like Wednesday Addams.

12. You Wish Pale Was The Beauty Standard

Why does everyone have to love tanned skin? You’re contemplating moving to Asia because pale is the beauty standard there.

13. You’re Still The Palest, Even In The Dead Of Winter

How is this possible? Where is everyone else getting their tans from? There isn’t even any sun around!

14. You Struggle To Find A Foundation That Matches

Most foundations are far too tanned for you to wear, and sometimes even the pale ones are too dark for you. The only other choice is gothic foundation, which is the only thing in existence that can actually make you look paler.

15. You Become A White Blur When Photographed With Flash

You love a picture with your friends, but you hate nearly all pictures of you taken with flash. Your whole face turns white, and you kind of look like a happy ghost.

What did you think of this list? Share this list with your pale friends and see what they think!

The post 15 Struggles That Eternally Pale Girls Know Too Well appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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