
sábado, setembro 05, 2015

15 Struggles A Girl Who Speaks Too Much Knows Too Well

15 Struggles A Girl Who Speaks Too Much Knows Too Well

Do you struggle to hold your tongue? Me too. For some of us, it is nearly impossible to not say exactly what we think, whenever we think it. It can result in some pretty awkward situations. However, there are also some sweet advantages.

Check out these 15 struggles a girl who speaks too much knows too well.

1. You Are Known For Being A Loud Mouth

Before anything else, you are known for being a loud mouth. You’re never sure if this is a good thing. At least it’s better than being mean, but it isn’t as good as being kind.

2. You Order Drinks For The Group

You’re always the one at the bar ordering the drinks because your friends take way too long. You are the only one who is willing to push through the crowds and get the attention of the bar staff.

3. You Are The One Friends Go To When They Want The Truth

In your group, if someone needs the cold, hard truth, they go straight to you. To you, this is a great compliment because it means everyone in the group trusts you to tell it exactly how it is.

4. You Are Someone Friends Can Say Whatever They Want To

Your friends tend to get louder and more vulgar when they are around you – probably  because you say whatever you want to them. Bring on the sexual innuendos!

5. You Reveal Everything Straight Away

You are very experienced in talking without thinking, so you always end up telling people about your life. Most of the time, you don’t even notice you’re doing it.

6. You Know All Of Your Friends Are Real Friends

Not many people can tolerate non-stop and sometimes cruel honesty, but your group of friends can. You really appreciate having friends who love you for exactly who you are. In return, you try to be the best friend you can possibly be.

7. You Don’t Like To Lie

You don’t see the point in lying. Being deceitful often becomes complicated. Besides, the truth is always the best option. You would rather be honest and deal with the consequences now than lie and deal with them later.

8. You Don’t Understand The Point Of Biting Your Tongue

You believe that if someone has something to say, they should just say it. You can’t comprehend why people bite their tongue. The concept is just weird to you.

9. You Give Your Friends Tough Love

You give your friends tough love because you care about them and you don’t want them to make mistakes. You would never lie to your friends, even when the truth is difficult to say.

10. You Are Trustworthy

You may not have a filter, but you understand the importance of keeping secrets. Your best friends are always letting you in on their secrets, and you would never betray their trust.

11. You Always Over-share

You always over-share. Luckily, most of your friends think it is hilarious. This is mainly awesome because everyone else you know tells you to shut up.

12. You Sometimes Confuse People With Honesty

People are never sure if they find your honesty refreshing or offensive to start off with. However, by the end of the conversation, they are normally laughing.

13. You’re Happy To Ask For Better Service

You don’t understand the point of paying for something and then settling for less. If you go out for a meal or drinks and the order is wrong, you always tell them to change it. After all, why wouldn’t you?

14. You Are Someone People Hate Embarrassing Themselves Around

If someone embarrasses themselves, you think it is the funniest thing ever. You will ring up your other friends to tell them about it. If you could, you would even take a picture. They will never live it down, so people hate to embarrass themselves in front of you.

15. You Always Have An Opinion On Your Friend’s Partners

If your friends want an honest opinion of their date, they come to you. They always patiently listen to your opinions – and then they go and do whatever they want. But you still love them anyways.

What did you think of this list? Do you know someone who speaks too much?

Share this list with your loudest friends to see what they think! I’m sure they’ll have something to say.

The post 15 Struggles A Girl Who Speaks Too Much Knows Too Well appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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