
domingo, setembro 20, 2015

12 Reasons Why People Who Speak Their Minds Are Incredibly Attractive


It is a cliché that truth is always bitter. That said, what would we do without truth, honesty or vividness? In actuality, sometimes our actions and the decisions aren’t the best. We need certain people who can tell us the way it is. These people are not simply attractive, they also make the world a better place by providing more truth.

Here are 12 reasons why people who speak their mind are incredibly attractive.

1. They don’t mince words

You can always know what they’re thinking because their words somehow reveal their emotions, feelings, and perspectives. They know that being pretentious will make them pretty uncomfortable in the relationship with you, so they will pour it out in words and expressions.

2. They are honest

People who speak their minds are advocates of honesty. They don’t simply preach it, they practice it. At the end of the day, there is so much strength and solidity that can be achieved with honest – like trust, transparency, and awareness.

3. They are bold

Bold is sexy and appealing. People who speak their minds are bold and courageous. They really are not focused on what they have to lose, but rather on what they will gain by telling you the truth. They just are not worried about compromise. When push comes to shove this quality could be what your relationship is valued on.

4. They don’t give soft love

All that pampering and smothering may never make you aware of the smart and hard decisions you have to be making. They wouldn’t flatter you. Everything you will get from them is something you deserve.

5. They are clear

Sometimes this is what you need in a relationship – clarity. With clarity you know where you are heading or where you are coming from. They offer clarity to a relationship rather than vagueness or distortions.

6. They can cut through your pretentiousness

You can be pretentious or fake. They will not only see through it, they will break through it with their honesty and vividness.

7. They understand that life is short

We do not have too many chances or opportunities in life to express how we feel or take those decisive actions. However, a person who speaks their mind takes the slim opportunities they have and still makes such moments matter. They know that life is too short to be holding in feelings and not expressing yourself.

8. They are not scared of confrontation

Actually, they revel in confrontation, and are great at confronting others. They consider confrontations as a way of making a statement. Such moments can make you see a person who speaks their mind for what they are. You are forced to accept them this way or not.

9. They offer an honest opinion

At this point, they can attract people who want to be mirrored by them. They have no problem giving anyone an honest opinion on any given issue. Actually, they attract a lot of people who want an honest piece of advice.

10. They are not needy

They don’t feel insecure or beg for attention. They do not feel obligated to butter the truth. They are stable. You can deal with that because it makes them really attractive and complete.

11. They will apologize if they have to

They are responsible. They know that they will not always be right. When they are on the edge of a mistake, they are okay with telling you that they are sorry and they are on the wrong. They are never too egotistic to admit a mistake because they know how to reveal their hate, love, fears, distaste, and their mistakes.

12. They don’t limit themselves

They see possibilities in the cold wilderness. They know that a hard truth doesn’t hide these possibilities, but actually reveals them. It makes them aware of all the chances and options that they can urge you to take.

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