
segunda-feira, setembro 21, 2015

10 Things Extroverts Who Have Dated Introverts Know To Be True

10 Things Extroverts Who Have Dated Introverts Know To Be True

Are you an extrovert who has dated an introvert? Introverts are quiet, grounded and calm, whereas extroverts are outgoing – and this combination makes the two types extremely compatible. For instance, extroverts are happy to challenge their partners whereas introverts often help their partners to become more reflective.

Here are 10 things all extroverts who have dated introverts know to be true.

1. They Convince You to Make Good Decisions

If you can’t decide whether to go out or stay in, your introvert partner will probably convince you to stay in. And that’s often wise, considering you have work tomorrow and your bank balance is pretty low. Now, you have a cozy night in with your partner – and it’s even better than the night out would have been.

2. Introverts Give the Best Advice

Introverts are very observant, and they normally put a lot of thought into what they are going to say before they say it. This means they give the best advice, especially to their partners.

3. When They Open Up, It Is Always Important

Introverts rarely lead the conversation, so when they do you know how important it must be. When they choose to open up to you, you try to be as helpful and attentive as you possibly can.

4. The Extrovert Gets to Do Most Of The Talking

You love to talk and share your feelings and opinions with others, and your partner is very happy to let you express yourself. It is the perfect combination – someone who loves to talk and someone who likes to listen.

5. Affection From an Introvert Is Extra-Special

Unlike extroverts who love to show affection, introverts are much more selective. When they express their love to you, you feel honored and grateful; there aren’t many people who love you as sincerely as an introvert. On the flip side, they love and appreciate how openly affectionate you are.

6. You’re Both Happy to Meet Each Other’s Friends

You love getting the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends, whereas your partner is happy to support you when you hang out with your own friends. It also helps that you both want make your partner happy by getting along with their friends.

7. They Are Happy for You to Be The Center Of Attention

You love to be the center of attention, and your partner is very happy for you to take the lead in social situations. It gives you a chance to flourish, rather than being subdued, and it often helps your partner to come out of their shell and let loose for a while.

8. They Help You Stop and Think

In the past, you’ve made trouble for yourself by speaking without thinking. Dating an introvert taught you to stop and think before you speak – which has been a lifesaver for you. Now you remember to take your time.

9. They Keep Quiet While You’re Ranting

If you have had a bad day, the only way for you to calm down is to rant and vent. You need to get your point across to someone, and your partner is more than happy to patiently listen to you. Sometimes you aren’t even looking for advice – you just want to complain about the world, and your partner is okay with that.

10. They Help You Put Things Into Perspective

After you have ranted for about an hour, your partner will often help to you to put things into perspective. They have a sound mind and a calm attitude, which helps you to see the positives as well as the negatives.

What do you think of this list? Share this list with your extrovert friends to see if they agree!

The post 10 Things Extroverts Who Have Dated Introverts Know To Be True appeared first on Lifehack.

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