
sábado, agosto 22, 2015

The Story of Us (28 Pics)

It all started when I joined the Army
I joined as a Medical Specialist and he first spoke to me overhearing a conversation I was having with a buddy. I was worried about an upcoming qualifying test and he tried to reassure me that I would pass. I assumed he was hitting on me and cussed him out....I did pass.

We didn't speak again until you called cadence and I said you had a great voice.
Eventually we started to hang out and we clicked. We were inseparable since then. Upon graduation I got stationed in MO, David National Guard in VA. What was supposed to be a 2 week visit to see me never ended because I asked him to marry me and he said yes.

The following year
We had Kaileb and he was amazing

David was instantly the best dad
But the Army had other plans for us....

David deployed shortly after Kaileb was born
He came to see me for two weeks a couple of months into the deployment but then went back for the rest of the year duration. We spoke as often as we could but it was hard. He missed so much.

Soon another curveball
While he was deployed we found out I was pregnant from his visit. With twins.
*note that I was still active duty this whole time

They came 2 months early
David missed the entire pregnancy and birth
David was already en route home
So they rushed him to the head of every processing line and he arrived 4 days after they were born. We named them Cole and Christian.

Again, he was instantly amazing
But it wasn't all easy
Christian had Ptosis and had to get not one....

but two eye surgeries
and he still needs one more to fix it permanently.

But they grew like weeds anyway
Them at 3 next to the onsies we brought them home in

Years later we decided to have another
on Valentine's Day 2014 I took a pregnancy test and it was positive!

We decided to buy our first home
Until this point we moved to a new house pretty much every year due to his National Guard job (he is full time)

Maia was finally here
We had our daughter

and the boys love her
Daddy cant get enough
neither can Maia
She is so big already
The real purpose for ths post though is for David
Thank you for always loving me and showing me that you care. Thank you for giving me a kiss goodbye every morning. Thank you for believing in me and dreaming big with me.

Even though we moved about 5 times in 7 years
I couldn't imagine settling down with anyone but you

You have always been the best shoulder to lean on
My memories of you are like a dream
and I hope I never wake up

You embrace my humor
This was our Christmas card with the caption "May Your Holidays be Painless"

Sometimes we get fancy
but I love that most of the time we lounge in PJs with the family and just have fun

You are always there
like the time my mother committed suicide the year the twins were born. I still have sobbing fits missing her but you always understand.

The life we have built
We started out with almost nothing and have built this life together. You are really my best friend and I can't wait to change the world with you. I love you Happy 7th Anniversary. If you choose to browse today I hope that you see this and smile. Thank you for being the best partner I could ever have asked for. 

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