
quarta-feira, agosto 12, 2015

How A Magpie Saved Our Cat’s Life And Brought Joy To Our Home

Maggie first came into our lives when we thought we were losing our beloved Cat of 18-years-old, Saskia. Sassy had thyroid cancer and had suddenly stopped being able to eat altogether – even the nearly-liquid critical care food. I noticed Maggie following me around the yard and seemingly wanting to be friends. Friends suggested I throw mince balls to her and it would help tame her. As I started going out each afternoon to throw these mince balls, Sassy would follow and started eating them too! We couldn’t believe it. So Sass started eating mince meat (not cat food, but the sort humans buy to cook with) and we got 3 more months out of our girl. Maggie went away – her job was done.
Then two weeks after Sassy’s passing (over 3 months since last seeing Maggie), Maggie came back, knowing we needed that comfort. My daughter and I were struggling so deeply with the huge loss and felt such a dark cloud over us.
Maggie is such a character, running up to me like a puppy dog, bringing me much needed smiles and giggles and deciding to be our tame backyard pet. When I’m not out playing with her, she sits on the kitchen window sill talking to me and walking up and down it following me around the kitchen as I do chores. My daughter has stopped crying herself to sleep. I feel lighter. Within a week, Maggie started sitting on me, letting me pat her and basically imprinting herself on me and becoming very clingy. She is a little miracle and we are very lucky!

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