
terça-feira, agosto 18, 2015

8 Habits Everyone Should Take Up In Their 30s To Lead A Fulfilling Life

10 Habits Everyone Should Take Up In Their 30s To Lead A Fulfilling Life

Do you want to improve your quality of life? There are many small steps you can implement on a daily basis to improve the overall quality of your life.

Habits pose great influences on the quality of life and your 30s should be a critical point to take up good habits. After all, the older we are, the more reluctant we are to changes.

From changing your mind-set to making steps to become healthier, check out these eight habits everyone should take up in their 30s to lead a fulfilling life.

1. Start To Laugh At Yourself

Learn to laugh at yourself and the insanity of life around you. Being able to find humor in bad situations shows optimism and strength.

New research has actually shown that stress can shorten your life, damage your DNA and lower your overall happiness, so learning to laugh at yourself actually has health benefits.

2. Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

Avoid comparing yourself to the other people in your life; studies from the Health Psychology Review have found out that comparing yourself to others can influence your physical and emotional heath. Your success is not measured by others’, but it is measured by your own happiness.

You may struggle to find peace with yourself if you are always focusing on what others have, and there are no benefits to being so hard on yourself. Instead, spend your time thinking about your own happiness goals and how you will achieve them.

3. Appreciate Your Loved Ones

Many people spend their 20s focused on getting a good education and starting their careers, and for some people their friends and family can become lower priorities. Your 30s can be a great opportunity to work on your current relationships while reconnecting with old friends. There are emotional benefits to being thankful; Harvard Health Publications discovered that being thankful can actually make you happier.

These are the best people in your life, so support them with their goals, cheer on their successes and comfort them when they fail, and you will see the same support shown to you.

4. Keep A Record Of Your Life

Your life is the most interesting story you will ever live; it is important to document the special moments. From keeping a journal to filling photo albums with pictures, there are many different ways that you can document your life.

The science backs it up, too; A recent study published in Psychotherapy Research found that there are both physical and emotional benefits to writing in a journal. As you get older, these saved memories will make you laugh and smile more and more.

5. Start To Save Money

Saving money is a good habit to start in your 20s, but an essential one to start in your 30s, with millions of Americans having little to no money saved up. It is as simple as spending less than you make – try to get into the habit of living below your financial means.

As you get older, you want to be able to relax and enjoy yourself, but without savings, this is very difficult. Put aside money for emergencies and a even a new home, as well as your retirement fund to guarantee less financial stress in your later life.

6. Try To Maintain A Healthy Weight

Try to keep your weight at a level you know is good for your body. Try to exercise three times a week and eat healthy, but don’t overdo it; you want to be at a healthy weight that is easy for you to maintain.

Rather than trying to lose a lot of weight, studies show that there are more health benefits to maintaining a healthy weight, such as lower risk of heart problems and blood pressure.

Learn to cook healthy meals that taste delicious, so healthy eating can become a habit rather than a chore.

7. Learn From Your Errors

You will have made mistakes already in your life, and it is very likely you will make more in your 30s – and that is totally OK. Mistakes are experiences that shape you and help you to grow as a person, but studies show making mistakes (and learning from them) can actually make you smarter.

Try to learn from your mistakes, and try to accept responsibility for them – this will make you wiser and an even better problem solver.

8. Achieve A Big Goal

There are probably vague goals you plan on achieving during your lifetime, from buying a house to getting a degree in Physics, and now is the time to go for it. Many people put off achieving their goals as they feel they have unlimited time, but big goals often take a long time to achieve.

Studies show that writing down your goals can help you to achieve them, so get out a piece of paper and starting writing a financial plan for your goals – how long will it take you to achieve them? How much money will it cost? Can you start right now?

Can you think of any other habits that everyone should take up in their 30s to lead a fulfilling life? Comment your ideas below!

The post 8 Habits Everyone Should Take Up In Their 30s To Lead A Fulfilling Life appeared first on Lifehack.

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