
quinta-feira, agosto 20, 2015

5 Experiences That Can Bring Couples Closer Together


When you and your partner spend most of your time working or studying, busy as bees, it is natural that you can grow somewhat distant from each other. However, relationships tend to get spoiled and break down if you don’t pay enough attention to their development.

If you suddenly realize that you don’t seem to understand your loved one quite the way that you used to, it’s time to apply some positive experience therapy. There are certain events and experiences that bring couples closer together. Here are five such experiences that would do you some good to share with your partner.

1. Getting A Couple’s Massage

What could possibly be a better connecting experience than a relaxing couple’s massage? You might make it a weekly tradition. Simply pick the day, time, and spa of your liking, and take your partner out for the massage session. This might be an enjoyable way to begin a Friday evening after the long and hard workweek. You two could use the time to talk with each other, or simply to lie quietly while listening to music. In fact, the latter might be preferable — silence allows you to better concentrate on positive feelings, and that is exactly what you need this experience for.

2. Showering Together

Showering together is quite an interesting and intimate experience. There are many reasons why you should try it with your partner at least once. It’s unusual, it sets up new privacy conditions, besides, it’s simply comfortable — you can get your loved one to scratch your back with a sponge and then return the favor. There are also plenty of other things that two adults can get up to in the shower — it’s all up to you. One thing is certain — you will literally get up close with your loved one if you shower together.

3. Getting an STD Tested Together

Testing yourself and your partner for sexually transmitted diseases and infections is something you should do before becoming a couple — however, it’s never too late. There might be certain issues with this experience that could possibly drive the whole couple’s therapy idea in the wrong direction, so you’d better be absolutely positive about your own loyalty when you decide to test yourself. However, if you and your partner have no trust issues and have never cheated on one another, the experience of getting STD test together might unite you better than any other event.

4. Spending A Vacation Together

It’s not as easy to set up a vacation together as it seems, but it’s totally worth it. The success depends on whether you will find a type of vacation that will satisfy both of you. That may be hitchhiking, traveling by cruise ship, or spending your free days lazily on a beach. The place, conditions and activities of the vacation should be equally acceptable for both of you, so make sure that your partner shares your enthusiasm about whatever you have in mind, whether that’s shopping, engaging in sports, or sightseeing — make plans together. You will be rewarded for your efforts with all the happy memories you will share after the vacation of your dreams.

5. Cooking Dinner Together

Cooking together will definitely unite you as a couple. Even if you burn down your stove in the process, the value of this experience is not to be underestimated. There is no need to spend hours in the kitchen, just find a good recipe for a simple and tasty dish. For example, you could make pies or pizza, or even a salad. Sushi is another popular thing to prepare as a couple.

The main thing about cooking together is that both of you have to actually participate in the process. Don’t shove your partner aside because they are not skilled enough. Share your tasks and in the end you will get some tasty food and lots of positive impressions.

As you can see, there are more than enough ways to make the relationship stronger. Use these tips to get close with your loved one!

Featured photo credit: Picjumbo via

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