
sábado, agosto 22, 2015

15 Things That You Would Only Experience With Real Friends


1.They understand that you have responsibilities and don’t tease you about it.

True friends understand if you have a family to hang out with, school work to complete, or a job to go to- and they don’t give you a hard time because of it. They understand that you cannot do Thirsty Thursday because you need to wake up on Friday to make sure the bills get paid.

2.They are there for you no matter what.

It doesn’t matter what time you call them, they will be there for you. They might not be happy about waking up to come get you, but they will.

3.They are there to help you move.

This is usually when you separate your casual friends from your real friends because everyone hates moving. So the ones that will help you move, (with maybe a six pack as payment), are your true friends.

4.They don’t keep track of the favors they do for you, and you do the same for them.

There isn’t a score board between you two because there is no need for one. You spot them money for food this time, because they bought food for you last time. It’s not a problem.

5.There are countless social media exchanges

Usually, no one else understands the jokes and memes you both share on each other’s pages, but who cares! The two of you understand and that is all that matters!

6.They are happy that you are succeeding in life

They are legitimately happy that you are succeeding. This is not the fake kind of happy either…you know, the kind of happy where they secretly hate you and feel the need to one-up your stories of success?

7.They are honest

They will tell you when your makeup is not on fleek, and when you need to redraw your eyebrows- or if the person you’re dating is a waste of time (regardless of how you feel about your knight in shining foil).

8.They can reminisce with you the entire night

Real friends don’t always need to go out and rage to have fun. They are completely fine with sitting back and reliving the times when you did rage on a Friday night…

9. But they are also eager to make new memories

Just because they love to reminisce with you doesn’t mean that you have stopped making new memories together.

10.They don’t even let you finish the whole joke

This is mainly because they have heard the punchline a million times before and are already laughing.

11.They have been a taxi service when you needed a ride

Your real friends have woken up at 5am in the morning before to give you a ride to the airport- and you have done the same for them. They have also stayed up until the early hour of 3am, sober, to drive you home after having a fun night out.

12.They helped you climb up from rock bottom

Real friends stick with you when times get tough. They remind you that things will always get better and help you get out of the hole you’re in. True friends stay behind to help you, and they make the fair-weather friends that scatter like roaches look awful.

13.Their closet is half yours. Yours is half theirs.

Whose sweater is this, anyway? It doesn’t matter, as long as it’s in someone’s closet so you can both wear it in the future.

14.They still love you after seeing you projectile vomit everywhere.

They have seen the gross and disgusting side of you, and they have probably been there themselves. They may make you clean up the puke off their walls, floors, guest bed and everywhere else- but they still love you.

15. They are your other half- which creates a whole idiot.

They have been, and will always be, there to create, love, and cherish the craziest and stupidest moments in your life.

Featured photo credit: Friendship- Paulo Otávio via

The post 15 Things That You Would Only Experience With Real Friends appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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