
segunda-feira, agosto 24, 2015

10 Signs You Have A Trustworthy Boyfriend


There are many things that you love about your boyfriend. He is sweet, thoughtful and always lets you have the last cookie. The most important thing, above all the rest, is that he is highly trustworthy. Here are some of the reasons why you know you can trust him with your life:

1. He always sticks to his word

Unlike some men that tend to say one thing, but then do something completely different, your man never waivers from his promises. If he made a commitment to hanging out with you and your friends, you know he will be there and not make up an excuse last minute when his friends invite him to watch the playoffs at a local bar.

2. He has always been honest about his feelings

It is a commonly known that men often bottle up their feelings and would prefer not to discuss them. You know you can trust your man because he is honest about how he feels, whether it is about a certain TV show or a more serious matter like his recent fight with a close friend.

3. He talks openly about his exes

He is not afraid to discuss past relationships and share things that might make other men feel too vulnerable. As old flames inevitably come up in your conversations occasionally, he does not shy away from the hard questions and knows honesty is the best answer.

4. He trusts you wholeheartedly

When you tell him that you are going out on a girl’s night, you do not have to worry about being bombarded with texts from him asking about your every move. He trusts your judgement and does not show any jealousy when you are not together.

5. He has close friends

One sure sign that he is trustworthy is that he has a couple of close friends that he has known for a long time and they easily trust him as well. Unlike a man who has a large group of acquaintances, but no one close to confide in, your man has friends that have his back, and vice versa.

6. He never participates in gossip

It may be easy, especially at places like work to fall into a vicious cycle of catching up on the latest gossip or scandal. Your man prefers to avoid falling into this unhealthy behavior and refuses to participate in the rumor mill.

7. He never exaggerates

Whenever he is telling a story, you know that he is recalling it detail for detail. His ability to stick to the truth is something that is highly admirable about him- whereas many other men are often temped to exaggerate a story to show off.

8. He is always punctual

Being on time can a good indicator that a person is reliable in other parts of their life. Being punctual means that he cares about other people’s time, especially yours, and guys who are caring are more likely to be trustworthy.

9. He takes responsibility for his actions

He understand the importance of being accountable for his actions and not shifting the blame onto others. He knows that even if he made a mistake, being honest about it is better for both of you in the long run.

10. He pays attention to the small things

He is mindful of keeping track of the small things, like how you make your coffee with two teaspoons of sugar and a drop of milk. He remembers to keep the toilet seat down after he uses the bathroom and he makes sure to clean up after he shaves. His attention to detail shows that he cares and that he is trustworthy.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

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